Zakharova called Kieza journalist an extraordinary man

MOSCOW, 26 APR – RIA Novosti. The official representative of Russian foreign Ministry Maria Zakharova expressed his condolences in connection with death of the famous Italian journalist and public figure, Giulietto Chiesa, calling him a wonderful man.

Earlier, the President of charity Association “Help us save children” (Aiutateci a Salvare i Bambini) and a friend of Chiesa’s, Ennio Bordato told RIA Novosti that Giulietto Chiesa died at the age of 79 years.

As reported by Ennio Bordato, the city previously had surgery, but had complications that might be associated with a coronavirus. He later said that, according to Chiesa’s wife – journalist Fiammetta Cucurnia, the cause of death was a heart attack. According to Ennio Bordato, Chiesa was a reference point for Italians who did not agree with the current situation in the country, and did much to establish ties with Russia.

the Chiesa over 20 years working in Moscow correspondent of the Italian newspaper l ‘ Unita and La Stampa. In 2004 he was elected MEP, he worked in a number of other parliamentary committees, was a member of the delegation from the parliamentary Commission EU-Russia. In 2010 he founded in Italy the social-political movement “Alternative”.