Coronavirus drastically change people’s lives. How to prepare for the change?

global pandemic coronavirus is rapidly changing economy, behavioral and social practices. Even before its completion we feel the impact coronavirus had on the world. This effect will continue after the risk of infection will recede, and will continue to change our lives. “” in the framework of the special project “the World will never be the same” talk to socio-political philosopher, candidate of legal Sciences and Director of the Center for Republican studies by Rodion Belkovice.

He shared his views on how the epidemic and the quarantine will change the society and the awareness of man’s place in the world, will force humanity to become more responsible and grow up.

the Situation which has developed now in Russia, and not only in Russia, with the pandemic, with the coronavirus and the accompanying isolation definitely has its negative sides. Don’t argue about it, but in the event of such crisis, there are issues, say, with some clarification of the situation.

I think even some the household level, people who are now on the Internet (and now almost everything in it are in the power of isolation), see a stratification of society, at least in the form in which it appears in the network.

That is, this is a natural phenomenon different affects people, depending on what they have, if you want, type of person.

And in this sense a very evident separation of our society into those who, apparently, totally determined by external factors and phenomena, including not only state control (in General, here it would be the tenth), but also some utter helplessness in the sense of self-determination. And these people, I think, complain endlessly that they have nothing to do.

for these people, the network is now filled with alternative forms of leisure, because these people are not used to live without leisure, formed someone for them from the outside.

This helpless population that can’t even yourself to do in your spare time, of course, has nothing to do with the point of view of self-organization, it will not be able to bring the situation under control.

At the same time for those who are historically committed to this self-organization, tries to establish, the period of isolation began, or at least becomes a good reason to or enhance existing horizontal connections, or establish new ones. That is, we are now all together in one plate. And the Internet in particular, makes us available to each other. Those some, might be the surface contradictions and conflicts that existed�� in the real world, due to the fact that we were mobile, in the midst of this almost embargo paramilitary situation are often filmed, and people are moving in a recognition mode, who is his, and who is a stranger — not from the point of view some superficial ideological conflicts, and from the point of view of readiness for unification and self-determination in those conditions, when the outside world puts us in these very difficult conditions.

it seems to Me that if these processes continue, if we stay in this isolated state even month, all the healthy, politically active forces of our society more and more will begin to unite in order to get out of this quarantine is in a completely different status, such a United front, which for himself first of all demonstrated the ability to a real Union.

And those unions, those sustainable groups that will be formed is already formed and now the network will broadcast the scale and subsequently on society as a whole, and I think at some point will make an impact including the transformation of power relations. Because that part of the population, maybe the largest, which either suffers from isolation, or rejoices in the household point of view — it is, in General, had no role played in the political sense and will not play.

And so I think, all people of goodwill should realize that even if they are few, and willingness to cooperate and willingness to use such a crisis situation in their favor may be in the near future to bear wonderful fruit. And transform the country in which we live that we love.

I don’t think it’s some the most important task for our society to strengthen this social mobility.

we are now accustomed to obey the buttons on the screen and make you forget that the buttons are created by third parties. This is especially true for the generation that missed the world without the Internet.

For whom the Internet is not a sequel not really a way of intensifying some traditional activities and the same communication, and it is, this is reality. Of course, a great danger in isolation is total immersion in the Internet. In the Internet, of course, no problem, it is a wonderful tool, but this feeling that my whole life is determined by what there are programs, serials and podcasts, and if not, then I have nothing to do, I don’t know what to do, — that is, of course, terrible moment.

It is necessary to overcome using the Internet in order to establish personal contacts, in order to use that time for Dating ��formation some political, social, economic alliances, which would go beyond this virtual, but virtuality would be some springboard for changes in our real life, which still exists. We are still people of flesh and blood, and not just the numbers that historically, we seek to transform.

Here is a very significant watershed. Let’s see what happens with the layman in these conditions. What do we see?

We see people that are in quarantine so are not adapted to coexist with themselves and their idea of free time is so associated with leisure, so in their minds their whole life is divided into two parts — on the job, that is making money and some leisure time with varying degrees of involvement of digital technology.

These people are busy panicking, fry barbecue on the balcony or arrange something discos on the balconies, because it’s the only thing that comes to mind when they have free time, which they did not expect. Therefore, in these circumstances, people are more willing to human life, and most importantly — the activities have a chance to realize that they define our common future. That’s the mass of people that your free time brings to barbecues and discos, in General of anything has never affected and will not affect and therefore the more intense the conscious citizens will get involved and such conscious people including in political processes, the sooner we will have a something changes.

I think this is very important because it enhances the human movement in the direction to which he tends. Because those who is prone to barbecues and discos, even more in that direction, and those who are inclined to see themselves as people who are responsible for the future, they I think this quarantine will survive for the benefit of themselves and for our country.

However, for someone is an opportunity to reassess yourself, to change strategy. Because we really, I think, a very weakly present, as divided by our population, that is what our social structure. I think this point is also very important, because we do not know their own people, we don’t know who he is.

This time a calm, balanced view of our reality, and maybe it’s peace of mind for someone was the impetus to change on their own, to see the alternatives in this everyday life, which changes our lives and the lives of others.

Another important point may be the realization on the part of the population, by the people, in such a situ��tion caused by natural phenomena, virus, the same government and institutions designed to protect us from the top, are quite helpless. What actually limits the spread of the virus? It’s our insulation, and the degree of containment depends on the extent to which we have isolated themselves. The term “isolation” means that we are able to isolate themselves, that is, the state does not help us that we stopped the flow of the virus. This is our independent actions. The state with us watching what was going on.

secondly, people — probably many (I hope, anyway) will understand that in such a situation, when there is a virus from which there is no vaccine, in the first place is personal immune status, which depends not on what we state and how much it pays some manuals, but from what I routinely do, how I treat myself, my body, its physical development. And no state, whatever system of health care may exist, in that sense, we’re no help.

People should understand that everything depends solely on them, and I hope after the release from quarantine this awareness remains in the head and not evaporate together with measures for isolation. Then there are people who I hope have bought dumbbells, weights, vitamins, and like all these things are quite common, but they emphasize that the most important things at the individual level are, independently, as its own decision, their own willingness to take your life in your hands and maybe you can help your neighbor.

the Quarantine is not only a personal matter, is a collective matter. Not associated with the practices of power that somebody, something restrict or even something that, and the realization that my personal self-restraint has value to others, for the society in which I live.

And this applies not only to issues of virus — virus here, just a very obvious example or, more precisely, good or not so good wire to think about it. But the question is, of course, much wider.

the Question is, will our people realize that every action of every individual has social consequences. And that not only in the situation of the virus must have what in the West is concern for others — that is, concern about others, but in everyday life, in a normal situation, my behavior must be an example to others and not just care about how personally my family is all good or not all good, but the others don’t.

We face this behavior, of course, every day, and we must understand that it starts with some civil responsibility, intthe value of that something questions of political self-determination require that we look at our neighbors, for our neighbors as the same citizens as we are, and demanded from themselves and from others here that the realization that we live in a civilian community, we have to worry about others no less than himself, because that is the key to our collective prosperity.

any situation can be taken different lessons, if at all somebody something he wants to make, and it can be interpreted different.

it is Important for us to focus not on the issues, what we show to watch, and the questions of how we can prepare — as people, as citizens, fellow citizens — to the future. The responsibility for our survival, in the end, is ours with you.

Dmitri Plotnikov