Olympic champion Alexei Yagudin condemned the First channel for spreading false information. The words of a former athlete leads to “Sport-Express”.

“Such nonsense is also on the First channel will show, and all sorts of media for climate support?” — outraged former skater. He added that he has questions about the program “Let them talk”, which “invites pseudopercis, except that yelling and nonsense, nothing can.”

Previously on “Let them talk” was discussed that Yagudin and actor Marat Basharov was allegedly beaten with baseball bats journalists, being in an alcohol intoxication. This was stated by the blogger Elena Rodina. Coach Yagudin, Tatiana Tarasova stood up for the Olympic champion and demanded “shut up about it”.

Skater became the Olympic champion at the Games in 2002. He has four times won the world Championships three times and Europe. Under the guidance of Tarasova skater practiced since 1998. He recalled that the trainer had saved him from the problems with alcohol that were in his youth.