In Soviet times, scientific research fleet of the Academy of Sciences was one of the largest in the world. The Soviet Union was considered a leading player in the field of research of the World ocean. After disintegration of the USSR Russian Academy of Sciences received a legacy from the Soviet research vessel 24. They were all relatively new and were in good condition. However, due to the almost complete lack of funding the ships were abandoned or used for other purposes. They were put into commercial freight: took the “Shuttle-traders” in Turkey, and tourists in Antarctica and Greenland.

as a result by 2013 from 24 research vessels of the Academy there are only 13. However, the scientific fleet was saved. Thanks for that, I should say exclusively research institutions, on whose balance sheet and dwelt ships from Soviet times.

in 2013 In the framework of the reform of the RAS was established Federal Agency of scientific organizations (FANO), whose conduct has moved academic institutions. The research ships had several owners: the Institute of Oceanology RAS, Geological Institute Russian Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geochemistry and analytical chemistry RAS, Murmansk marine biological Institute of the Russian Academy of Sciences and UNIF Feb RAS. In 2016, on behalf of the President of the Russian Federation at the Institute of Oceanology of RAS was created the Center for marine expeditionary research, which became the operator of 11 of the 13 research vessels.

Areas of responsibility between the state and the Centre was formally distributed as follows: the Centre was responsible for a fleet operation, as well as making plans for the expedition from the other institutions, the Council of the hydrosphere of the Earth (later the working group on formation plan) for the approval of plans for expeditions, the state in the face of FANO, and then its legal successor, the Ministry for Finance.

Since then, the maintenance of the fleet is allocated about one billion roubles a year. It’s a lot more than I used to, but radically the problem of the fleet does not solve. That’s what diagnosis set in 2017, experts of the defense Ministry: the academic research fleet is “catastrophic” and “critical” condition. The average age of the vessels is 34 years old, they are worn by 80%, their operation is much more expensive modern foreign analogues. Conclusion: in 4-5 years the research activities at sea can do to stop. Without substantial financial investment research fleet of the RAS will die.

– We are desperately short of money, – says Director of the Institute of Oceanography Alexey Sokov, – the maintenance of the fleet, firstly, very expensive, second, very difficult, in-the third, very necessary. Scientist it is important to understand the main thing, is the state prepared to take responsibility for the contents of the ships or not. If funding remains at the same level, we have to abandon the scientific presence of Russia in the World ocean.

At the Institute of Oceanography calculated that the full maintenance of the courts requires at least 2.9 billion rubles a year. However, the conclusions of marine scientists and experts are not heard. The Navy is still allocated one billion.

– this amount includes the provision of scientific expeditions and repair ships, – explains Natalia Golubeva, Deputy head of the Department of coordination of activity of scientific organizations Ministry of education and science of the Russian Federation. But the us government has allocated money only for expedition and not for the maintenance of the property. Every year we have to strike a balance between funds for expeditions, and for repairs. The cost of the expeditions planned this year is 800 million rubles. And we explain the Institute of Oceanography that can be allocated for the repair of only 200 million. As much as last year.

– the Number and cost of repairs vary from year to year. In the past year, the planned repairs were two ships, and this five – explains Juice. Their value should amount to 570 million rubles. The Ministry puts the cart before the horse. It reports expeditions. This year they planned so much that it was no less than in the past. But if in spring we are not going to repair, to keep expedition is simply nothing.

– Institute of Oceanography pretends that the Ministry does not want to allocate money to science. But they simply do not take, – said Golubev. – The Institute should send us an estimate for repairs. This agreement became a stumbling block in our relationship.

– We send documents and cost estimates to the Ministry of a truck – parry Juices. But they simply do not read. No one listens to us. Whatever our need for repairs, we will still allocate the amount that the Ministry deems necessary. But if this year the ships will remain without repairs and confirm your class, we will not only be able to go to sea, and lose official documents. To restore them will be much more expensive.

This dialogue between the Center and the Ministry of education lasts for four years. Both parties are in fundamentally different positions. The center focuses on the real needs of the Navy, the Ministry of education – on the forwarding statements. Instead, it is the Ministry responsible for the development of scientific centers of Russia and to improve the quality of research. If this year the season of expeditions goes wrong, blame the Ministry can only themselves.

But last fall, the Ministry of education has decided to take radical steps: to create an Autonomous organization – a Single departmental statement of a scientific fleet. It would seem, why the fuss? After all, there is the Center for marine studies at the Institute of Oceanography? But not all so simple.

– Any institution, under the wing which assembled the entire fleet primarily will be based on their interests, says a corresponding member of the RAN, one of the leading Russian marine scientists Igor Semiletov of the Pacific Oceanological Institute, Feb RAS. – When on the basis of the Institute of Oceanology was formed by the Center, scientists of this Institute began to dominate. Every year they went to sea the best ships “Academician Mstislav Keldysh” and “Akademik Ioffe”. Formally, any Institute can apply for any ship. But it never was. Instead of developing our science on the sea, we are forced to fight for sudo-day.

doubtful and opaque system of selection of applicants for the expedition, which unilaterally was introduced by the Institute of Oceanology. She regularly leads to same result: first place is always occupied by employees of the Institute of Oceanology, other lagging behind. Real scientific efficiency in the selection of applications not considered at all.

All this led to the fact that the community of Russian morebelow doesn’t trust the Center for marine research, which provides the main, which was created – of the equidistance researchers from ships. Establishing an independent operator fleet, the Ministry has solved this problem. But scientists don’t trust not only the Centre, but the Ministry.

– we often happens: a good idea is not the best way, says Semiletov, – the Creation of a single operator under control of the Ministry is, in principle, the right decision. But as a Ministry do that? They have no professionals, no money, no understanding of how it should be. It would not have turned out worse. After all, people from the Ministry of education and science only to pretend to listen to us, but ultimately decide for yourself.

Strongly against a single operator acts as the Director of the Institute of Oceanography Alexey Sokov. In his opinion, the transfer of scientific fleet from one operator to another will only lead to the fact that, together with the fleet to a new operator will move and all the associated problems. It is impossible to improve the band, changing the location of the musicians, he says, and reminds that 3 years ago the same court had already passed, only in the opposite direction – from the balance UNIF Feb RAS on the balance sheet of the Institute of Oceanography. Drifting ships between shipowners, requires enormous financial and organizational cost, it’s more like a simulation activity. Such a pointless trip, I am sure Juices, create insurmountable obstacles for a schedule of expeditions. Would it not be wiser to focus on solving problems that impede the normal operation of the fleet, regardless of whose obedience it is?

the Thought of Alexei Sokov is clear – if funding does not become full, a change of ownership of ships will not solve anything. In the logic Director has one flaw, which is obvious to his colleagues from other instit��tov. Of course, suggestions about the financing of the fleet is correct, however they ignore the question of the equidistance researchers from the courts, and hence the interests of the Russian science in General. But the flaw is in the idea of the Ministry of education on the establishment of an independent operator. Highlighting this idea, the Ministry is silent about reasonable funding and effective administration of the courts. What do you do?

– We need to think primarily about the quality of the marine science of Russia, – says Professor Semiletov. – It is in poor condition. To return the scientific authority of Russia in the World ocean, need to stop bickering, to create a new operator, to put everyone on an equal footing and adopt the international criterion for evaluating the work. A very important personality of the person who will lead this operator. It needs to be very competent and independent from major marine institutions. It is essential that the Ministry and the operator has completely transformed the job of managing the fleet and the organization of expeditions. It is necessary to reorganize the Working group which now meets every three months and solves nothing, in a permanent Focal point. To include people from all the institutions for the sea. On this center must stand independent by the Supervisory Board of scientists from around the world. All participants of this group must be very high status and the right to make decisions. It has not turned so as often: came the Deputy Minister and said, “All the guys we hear you, but it will be so.”

What conclusions can be drawn from the situation around the Russian scientific fleet? A single independent operator fleet really needed. But the fact of its creation is unlikely to improve the quality of marine research Russia. Here we must recall the words of Alexei Sokov: the state must decide whether it was willing to include a science fleet or not. If Yes, how and what? And still need to coordinate the work of all Maritime institutes. And, of course, science and the Ministry should stop squabbling and learn to find common ground in the most critical issues. And then Russia will be able to regain the glory of the USSR and to take a leading position in the studies of the World ocean. Procrastination will lead to the death of the scientific expedition of the potential of the country.