Messenger WhatsApp announced on its official blog that doubled the number of participants in group audio and video calls.

WhatsApp introduced a limit for all users

According to the report, innovation is associated with requests of users and that “in the last month, duration of calls in WhatsApp has reached more than fifteen billion minutes per day, far exceeding the numbers of daily statistics to the beginning of the pandemic.”

“as well as text messages, all phone calls are protected end-to-end encryption (…) and accessible to the greatest number of users, even those who have a cheap device or slower connection speeds,” notes WhatsApp.

To in audio – and video calls at the same time were able to participate not four, but eight people, you must upgrade to the latest version, available for iPhone and Android.


Rambler wrote that earlier WhatsApp “to combat misinformation in connection with the pandemic coronavirus” has imposed restrictions on the forwarding of viral messages sent through a chain of five or more people.