on the day of our rally in the morning, patients of Hospital for veterans of wars, which is now deployed infectious hospital, served millet porridge with milk, bread with butter, tea with sugar and lemon.

For lunch, prepared soup, goulash with buckwheat, fruit compote and orange. The afternoon tea cheesecake with a decoction of rose hips, and for dinner mashed potatoes with green peas and doctoral sausage, bread and tea with sugar. The average cost of the daily diet of patients of infectious hospitals – 220 rubles.

In the former veterans hospital canteen located in a separate building, connected with the main building by a passage. I had to think of the safest way of delivery food in the “red zone.”

– All meals are packaged in disposable containers, bread – portioned in bags, then in trays that are made on the truck – explained Lyubov Bessonova. – Kitchen worker brings it all to a dedicated Elevator, where an employee is in full gear for the “red zone”, takes food and delivers it to the floors. After eating all the dishes are disposed of as waste class – that is dangerous. Lift after each hand disinfected and quartz.

Those who do not load or do not like hospital food, you finish with relatives and friends here allowed the transfer of products, and each room has a refrigerator.

Chefs say that the work increased, portion pack takes a lot of time. And all look forward to the time when it will be possible again to serve tables in the dining room as before.

In the city clinical hospital No. 10 (MCH No. 10) with the delivery of food much simpler. The catering Department is on the first floor, and connects him with the offices of special food Elevator. Kitchen worker fills his trays and presses the button for the desired floor. But for more reliability and is calling over the radio: “Valya, are you there? Take Breakfast!”. Valya, emptying a capacious carrier, processes it with an antiseptic and sends it back to the kitchen. Here before you open the door, they are treated with desinfectants – safety first.

Manages the cooking process and logistics epidemiologist hospital Oksana Savinova: “Very properly is we have a nutrition unit from the point of view of epidemiology: separate entrance, the kitchen staff even in the yard with doctors do not occur. Here to bring food to cooling chambers provided the shortest way.”

Oksana Savinova menu itself is subject to the regulations of the Ministry of health.

– we do Not have in the clinic of dielectri – continues Oksana Savinova, he had to master this science. There are main menus and the ninth table with diabetes. We have treated quite a lot. I, as an epidemiologist, this suggests that the immune system is particularly reduced in di��of Belikov, they are vulnerable to coronavirus”.

By the time of our invasion of the kitchen workers to pack lunch – tomato juice poured into disposable cups with lids, and washed and dried fruit was placed in plastic bags.

“We give you the first Breakfast left for tasting – handed us a tray cook Larisa Nazarova. – Semolina porridge, two boiled eggs, a sandwich with butter and cheese, and tea with sugar. Eat on health!”. And we tried. What can I say? Delicious! Porridge is perfect: not thick and not liquid, with no lumps, moderately sweet and moderately salty. A sandwich – both the bread generously buttered, and top with two slices of cheese (fat, not transparent). And more eggs. We with the photographer barely defeated one Breakfast for two.

– come For lunch, if that – laugh cook. – We are all tasty. Today, pea soup, beet salad with cheese, Pollock with mashed potatoes and stewed fruit.

In the afternoon (which we we read on the menu) cheese casserole, and for dinner – omelet with sausage and green peas.

In this hospital transfer from home is strictly regulated – only water and cookies with candy in the original packaging. “We have the wards do not have refrigerators, but only on the floors – said Oksana Savinova. – And since the patients are not to leave the chambers, the use of refrigerators impossible.”

“Very tasty fed us, told a friend on the phone admitted to “ten” with coronaviruses a week ago. – I home told not to come here. Let sit at home, and I only have a half liter of water every day given, fruit there, pastries delicious. Do note that take care of us very well. With me in the house of an elderly woman, she was chewing hard teeth in the dental clinic wasted, and dentures do not have the time sick. So she bring food frayed. She is straight to tears the first time touched”.

Medical balanced meals with all the recommendations of the Ministry of health of Russia. “For our patients with lesions of the respiratory tract – a special diet is not provided, – has informed us the Deputy chief physician of the medical unit of Hospital of veterans of wars Love Bessonova. – Restrictions in the menu are there for those who suffer from concomitant diseases: diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency, cancer”.

But the medical staff are preparing more nutritious food. In addition to patients ‘ kitchens feed the physicians working in the “red” zone. By decree of the acting Governor of the Irkutsk region Igor Kobzev, means on the power allocated from the regional budget. It is clear that the energy consumption for physicians is enormous. And despite the increased power, many of the doctors and nurses too thin. You are on fire.

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