Fish + meat

as some say, “neither fish Nor fowl”. And about him it is more correct to conclude: “fish And meat”, because it works on the basis of product, with all the attendant and the attendant possibilities of saturation and floating storage odors, has a plump body, grasping hands and scaly skin diseases from overeating and poor metabolism.

Policies with lost its head

My friend is a boxer. And wants to become a major leader. In a significant industry or resource-rich region. No doubt his dream will come true as he successfully promoted. I watch and see: these are energetically occupy the commanding heights of the weighty posts, shall prevail in all sectors of the economy and administrative structures. Sure he has a great future of the state and wish him success.


If necessary, he will raise any or any with Vagankovsky, Vostryakovskiy, Kuntsevskaya (and other graveyards) and seeks that it is necessary.


He knows how to inspire and lead the masses, or what not believing. But this faith is not needed. It what for and why to complicate an already difficult existence? Should believe others. But his business, his prerogative, his mission and calling is to be the first to loom in sight, on the edge, on the rod, ignite and inspire by example.


it was his passion. Its downright invincible mania. As you will see bathing a child, so splash it with water.

Parents were hiding their children. Out of fear that without water anyone spill. But he preferred to be water: river, sea, lake, or at least pools. And in the speeches that had moisture. It softens (for bathing) the sharpness of the splashing. About it could not think. Mainly in connection with humane considerations. About children. Adult just like a child will not spill out. Adults were afraid children would cope easily.

the Wrestler

he Devoted his life to combating cockroaches. From an early age hated — them running around the kitchen, long whiskers and Lepetane when the electricity: dirty vectors of infection prefer to do their unclean deeds in the dark and in bright or even dim flickering lights were off.

has Become an indispensable AU, has risen sharply through the ranks, he headed the Department of struggle even with the bugs and the lice, and then with rodents. But then came the demolition: a philosopher, which came to lime mole, said that the need to have in life more sublime purpose. You can make do with war-with insects and mice in the free from the main calling time. But a hobby should not obscure the heavenly PRadnaznachna.

the Poisoner has faded, has faded, which allowed mosquitoes, flies, mites and worms to revive and again become a pest.

Drafter of wills

he Dedicated his life to making wills. Not materialistic-oriented or financial, and sublimely spiritual sense. Addressed to the descendants of each time with an updated appeal. It singled out and emphasized as the most important and urgently needed to begin to turn the Northern rivers to the South, it aims to conquer the (possible) space.

the Previous version of his last will, which was cooled, densely covered with writing, and then tore, destroyed, burned (if Gogol’s second volume of “Dead souls”), what then (unlike Gogol) mourned. Because in the preliminary outline to an improved main text contained a lot of useful, enduring, to him something pokumekav, returned. Raised shot down, we enlarge the topic and thoughts, with enthusiasm, rushed to present become re-relevant alarm.

In General, could publish a whole volume, and even a multi-volume collection of wills, but when he died, on his death-bed found only crosswise rejected the next message in the future.


Learned how to communicate with unpleasant people thus educated will, tempered in nature. And along the way nurtured tolerance: it is for a long lay about him life had to communicate not only with those who will be nice, but possible repulsive individuals and types.

the Classes were not easy. Sometimes experiencing disgust reached its climax and became so intolerable that in a hurry in the shower, and then fell into the tub (and for a long time it was soak to wash away the bad plaque). Sometimes the body ran a spasm of unbearable rejection, and his throat rolled up gag spasm. But ready yourself to grueling marathon, whether to the endless engagement whether runner or soloist getting the upper hand stoically suppressed the negative.

When all the future transformations of the experience could be useful to find and to use. In politics. Diplomacy. In the business. Yes anywhere! Endurance and patience is needed, even if you become autocaltm stupid phone calls.

was Not a doctor, or a cashier at the store, no employee of the Bank, ended up in the janitors (which is logical when cultivated addiction to the garbage). And yet in no way lost. Not for a moment was pomagala about the rehearsals, courtesy and loyalty. Because there is a quality needed in any case. Seeing him with a broom, people from afar began to smile graciously. Never ever met such a courteous, indiscriminately respecting the sweeper.


Fearlessly criticized the Medvedev government and it fell. And the next the government will criticize and it will fall sooner or later. Such is the power of impartial public opinion. Its influence on the course of history is indeed difficult to overestimate. Let the dread of all who do not want to give themselves to the service of the Fatherland. Such renegades — under the watchful, vigilant, watchful supervision. If going to neglect the powers and duties — you will not wait indulgences. Immediately overwhelm them with a barrage (ie, the sword) indignation — and will lose undeservedly occupied posts. No one is allowed the gift is, the state and the people’s bread. Great country through some of its principled representatives will not allow the violation of the laws and traditions. Not just that, the Braves will sovernty from the body to steadily improving homeland.


He was always sadly to see in the movies about gangsters mafia was sentenced to death the victims a ride in the car, in the apartment whether the briefcase with explosives: cute, comfortable, brand-new suitcases are doomed to falling apart. Such extravagance he did not approve.


Stuck in the door a security lock according to the drawings developed by the FSB. All my life I have taken the door with him.

the Daughter of a security officer

her Husband could not catch her with her lover: she so skillfully covered their tracks.


He truly loved his people that killed all the doubters in his love.


in the Evenings lulled conscience: “go to Sleep, you’re so naughty!”

the Habit

Instead of peppermint patties slipped the buyers of honey, instead of honey and mint.


She serves in the Duma the Chairman of the Committee on trade and economic abuse. Her husband is the police, that is, fight against organized crime. That is, he fights with his wife.