the entrance guard – without a mask and gloves shopping will not. Each visitor meets music, the scent of already existing samples of perfumes and toilet waters, legendary ice cream cones. Consultants boutiques congratulate each other on the opening. “Two months waiting for this, we want to embrace and kiss, but you have to refrain” – share they experiences with “RG”. Immediately after the opening, most sellers called regular customer and invited to try on the new collection and promised a good discount on your first purchase and the second to give as a gift.

in addition to the half meter range and mask mode in Gum and a special fitting mode: each buyer fitting room disinfected with spray, if the dress is not suitable, the consultant then sends it to the warehouse for fumigation.

“I Hope that the quality and color of the clothes is not affected,” says shopper Anna from Max&Co. Shoppers she immediately warns that fitting is only possible with gloves. By the way, in the underground shopping center “Okhotny Ryad” on Manezh square, where is located the more affordable stores, temporarily refused to try on clothes. If the house will be in that new dress is not the size, it just will exchange or take back. Cosmetics and all all wrapped in cellophane, and from the testers refused. Even perfume can not touch it, but if you ask, the consultant will give its flavor on the sticker.

But Muscovites restrictions are not upset. “GUM has always been my favorite vacation spot – confessed “RG” beautician Elena Dotsenko. I live on prospect Mira, according to schedule my house celebrating. Where to go, long pondered – called shopping friend. Frankly, we don’t so much purchase today is for many an opportunity to walk in a beautiful place to meet and communicate. Of course, if you come across any bright thing, I must deny myself can’t.”

By lunchtime, the GUM looked another his loyal shopper – Olga Bubnova. “I have so many fond memories of this Department store – says she is. – Since the 60-ies, when I was a student of history and archives Institute RGGU in Nikolsky street. Every free minute with friends fled here.” Now Olga comes here with colleagues from the Museum and information center Small theatre. She always was a fashionista, and GUM helped out her great selection and reasonable prices. Here and now: “Continue to love it and, of course, could not miss the opening day after the quarantine. Especially going on vacation in the Crimea and need summer shoes.”

As told “RG” the head of the Department of trade and services of Moscow Alexei nemeryuk, just in the capital will resume 47 thousand trade enterprises that employ about 300 thousand people. “The work was started mA��asini clothes, shoes, cosmetics, sports equipment, household goods, appliances, services, repair, bookstores, dry cleaning and other nonfood goods and services. Inside the Mall will remain closed entertainment centres, cinemas, leisure and sports complexes, beauty salons,” he said.

Key point: if you exceed the number of buyers protection may limit the entrance and asking new visitors to wait their turn outside the salesroom.