the experiment was monitored by scientists.

32-year-old twins Hugo and Ross Turner from the British city of Exeter are popular bloggers. They combine travel with extreme loads and the scientific approach and often conduct experiments in collaboration with scientists to find out the possibilities of the human body.

The publication of The Turner Twins (@theturnertwiins) 16 Oct 2018 at 8:30 am PDT

In January, the brothers began their new experiment aim to find out what kind of food to the human body is better — vegan or omnivore, writes Insider.

As Hugo and Ross are absolutely identical (in addition to genetics are also the same eating habits and sport), the experiment had the objective to show the advantages or disadvantages of a particular way of eating.

The publication of The Turner Twins (@theturnertwiins) 10 Sept 2018 5:47 PDT

the two brothers started the diet at the same time with the same weight — 83 kgs with 13% body fat. Vegan diet got Hugo and Ross ate a variety of food, but with a predominance of meat. The experiment was watched by the biologists at king’s College London.

the Experiment ended in March, followed by a long period of medical examinations and return to a normal lifestyle, which helped the brothers to draw definitive conclusions.

For three months on a vegan diet Hugo had managed to sharply to lose 4 pounds, and then almost completely back to the original data — it weighs in a total of 82 pounds and 12% body fat. The level of cholesterol in the blood decreased significantly. Hugo admitted that began to feel active and awake, but almost completely lost interest in sex.

The publication of The Turner Twins (@theturnertwiins) 11 Jan 2020 at 1:28 am PST

Doctors also found that Hugo significantly changed the composition of the digestive bacteria that ��have Niilo the risk of obesity and diabetes, but increased the risk of Crohn’s disease (inflammation of the digestive system).

as for the meat-eater Ross, in his body and feeling virtually nothing has changed. By the end of the experiment, he was to weigh 2 kilos more and 2% had raised levels of fat in the body, however the bulk of gained weight was muscle tissue.

The publication of The Turner Twins (@theturnertwiins) 13 Jan 2020 4:28 PST

At the end of the experiment, the Turners came to the conclusion, none of the diets is not totally useful and not eat the same way.

Catherine Gura

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