The Disaster Advisor – a brochure from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance – is in demand like never before and is currently no longer available to order. If you don’t want to wait for the reprint, you can download the booklet free of charge.

The discussions about bottlenecks in the supply of gas, electricity and other energy sources continue. While many experts tend to speak of possible isolated and temporary failures, are others preparing for a widespread failure of the power grid? But what does it actually take?

For this purpose, the Federal Office for Civil Protection offers its own free guide, which can be ordered via the website. The problem: The demand has long since exceeded the existing supply and anyone who wants to order the important guide in paper form is currently empty-handed. We will show you how you can still get the helpful tips for emergency preparedness.

Because the BBK not only offers the guide in physical paper form, a digital version as an e-book is also available. You can easily download them onto your computer, tablet or smartphone and read them offline as well.

At this point, it is advisable to print out the guide if possible, since in the event of a power failure, electrical devices can only be operated with the remaining battery charge. If this is not possible, you should at least save the document on several devices so that you do not lose access the first time the battery runs out.

The guide from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Management is extremely comprehensive and, with a total of 68 pages, it offers sufficient information and tips for optimal preparation. This involves personal items, food and drinks, medicines, hygiene items and communication is also important in crisis situations.

Advice on emergency preparedness and correct action in emergency situations – that’s what it says:

The NINA app from the Federal Office for Civil Protection and Disaster Assistance should not be missing from any smartphone anyway, but it is essential for emergencies such as a blackout.

The app has an integrated warning function that you can use to be warned in the event of a disaster. The BBK pushes messages from the modular warning system MoWas to the app. You can either share your location through the app or set specific locations for which you want to receive alerts.

The smartphone is essential, especially in emergency situations. You should therefore make preparations here in order to be able to use the mobile phone for as long as possible. In the event of a power failure, it is useful to have an alternative charging option, such as a charged power bank. If it can then also be recharged using a solar panel, you are well equipped.

Otherwise, it is important to save battery as much as possible so that you can use the cell phone for as long as possible. If several mobile phones are available, it is best to only switch on one in order to conserve the battery of the others. It is particularly important to reduce the brightness of the display. If there is no mobile network anyway, you can also put the mobile phone in flight mode and manually test from time to time whether the network is available again.

The original of this article “Emergency guide from the federal government in demand like never before – now it even has to be reprinted” comes from