“the Growing strategic importance of the Arctic requires that the air force could protect the country’s interests in the region, which is the “intersection” of the U.S. and two crucial areas of the Indo-Pacific region and Europe. The Arctic is becoming an increasingly important area of national security interests of the United States” – the document says. It also notes that “because of the achievements of great powers-the competitors, the Arctic is becoming a threat to America.”

meanwhile, the prospect of climate change and melting ice make the Arctic area, which will increase competition between countries and blocs, according to the authors of the strategy. And given the large and formidable distances this is the air force and space forces must play in the Arctic a primary role.

the Pentagon identifies four main areas of activities of the United States in the Arctic: observation (primarily by the Russian forces in the region) and early warning; development of energy projects; cooperation with other Arctic countries-members of NATO; the preparation for military operations in Arctic conditions.

as the main bases of the United States consider Alaska and Greenland – and there, and there already exists today a well-developed infrastructure. For example, in Alaska only in the vicinity of point barrow, the northernmost point of the United States, located 15 radar. Also the early warning system located at the us base at Thule AB in Greenland.

As noted in the document, durable and energy-efficient infrastructure combined with the aircraft of the fifth generation, and lethal weapon will allow you to maintain the combat capability and flexibility to solve problems in the future.

this kind of strategic plans that are developed not only in the United States show that plans to make the Arctic “territory of cooperation”, as repeatedly stated at the international level, yet remain only plans. As noted, speaking on July 21 dedicated to the Arctic seminar of the International discussion club “Valdai” Ambassador for special assignments of the Russian foreign Ministry Nikolay Korchunov, we should not yet expect that there will be an international Treaty on the Arctic, which will dilute it right regional powers, as it was done in Antarctica. Also, the diplomat said that “the global economic situation and climate change are pushing the world to a skeptical view on the economic development of the Arctic”.