An important part of the monthly income goes on groceries. In view of the rising prices in the supermarket, consumers are currently having to spend more money on butter, milk and other products. FOCUS Online says how you can still save every time you visit the supermarket.

A household with two people in Germany spends between 30 and 70 euros per week in the supermarket on average. Calculated on a monthly basis, this amounts to spending between 120 and 280 euros.

According to the same data from the Federal Statistical Office, the supermarket expenses for families with two children increase to an average of up to 550 euros per month. Of course, the expenses vary in individual cases.

Good preparation and effective tips can save a lot of money every month. Ideally, families reduce their expenses by up to 140 euros a month – i.e. almost 35 euros per purchase.

Browse the supermarket catalogues. In this way, you are informed during your weekly shopping which products are particularly worthwhile. Write down the offers on a savings slip. Also, look for coupons in apps to save money locally too. Possible savings? Up to 50 percent off the regular price.

Make a meal plan for a week. What do you want to eat on which days of the week and what foods do you need for this? With good preparation, you can save up to 50 euros per month because you do without “spontaneous purchases”.

Now use the menu to make several shopping lists – for each supermarket that you need to go to for the weekly shop. What ingredients do you need for the menu? What groceries do you need for the pantry? The most important question is: Where can you buy the groceries you need at a low price?

With such a list, you not only buy the groceries that you really need, but also always the cheapest bargains. The possible savings are around 50 euros per month.

Before you go shopping, calculate how much money you will need for groceries. This avoids expensive spontaneous purchases.

Pay attention to the basic price on the shelf. This always indicates the full kilo or liter price. This allows you to better compare the individual brands.

Saving does not mean doing without! For example, if you eat strawberry jam for breakfast in the morning, you don’t have to do without it because the price for the branded product is now over three euros per jar. If you are interested in the own brands “Rewe”, “Ja”, “Gut

If you shop just before the store closes, you will often find good deals – especially in the vegetable, fruit, meat and yoghurt counters. At the weekly market or at the bakery, customers also get up to 50 percent. Don’t be afraid to ask the seller for discounts.

To keep track of your finances, you should pay in cash and not by card.

Supermarket prices are skyrocketing, but we consumers also have to dig deeper into our pockets for electricity, petrol, furniture and clothing. What did you observe? What do you do to save money each month for yourself and your family? Send an e-mail to with your name and telephone number

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