the Murder of Caesar in 44 BC led to the fall of the Republic and the establishment of the Roman Empire. Ancient authors write that the overthrow and the subsequent events were accompanied by heavenly signs that the abnormally cold weather and the subsequent famine.

In the new study, an international group of scientists found that the celestial “signs” really was. They appeared due volcano eruption in Alaska, said in a scientific paper published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Does, polirani koristuvacha @alaskaranga 12 Cher 2015 on 10:46 PDT

the researchers conducted a chemical analysis of the ashes found in Arctic ice cores and found evidence linking an abnormally cold climate in the Mediterranean with the eruption of the volcano Okmok on the island Umnak.

They managed to find traces of the two eruptions. The first occurred in early 45 BC, It was short and small. Second, and very large-scale, happened in 43 BC Its consequences were felt even in remote corners of the planet for another two years. For example, the average temperature was about seven degrees Celsius lower than usual. It struck on agriculture in the Mediterranean region and has exacerbated the political crisis.

Eruption is also often accompanied by unusual atmospheric phenomena such as sun halos, darkening of the Sun, or Parghelia — illusion of triple Suns.

“to Find evidence that the volcano on the other side of the Earth erupted and contributed to the death of the Romans, the Egyptians and the revival of the Roman Empire, real exciting,” says the study’s lead author Joe McConnell from the desert research Institute in Reno, Nevada.

the Emergence of the Roman Empire also put an end to the dynasty of the Ptolemies, the last pharaohs of the Roman.

Does, polirani Marek Biegalski Photographer (@marek_biegalski) 23 Tra 2020 R. 3:10 PDT

“It certainly shows how interconnected the world was even 2 thousand years ago,” McConnell was quoted by the AFP.

Anna Lysenko

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