“In view of the worldwide spread of the Coronavirus is required for the immediate recording of” fugitive children, “urgent”, – said in the Letter, which is present the German press Agency. “The dramatic situation in the refugee camps in Greece cannot leave us all in Europe unaffected. (…) Many children suffer from trauma due to their war experiences and the conditions in the Hotspots. This Situation is unacceptable for us Europeans.”

“threatens to be A disaster,”

With the explicit support of the Union members have agreed in the coalition Committee recently, to make a humanitarian contribution, in particular to improve the Situation of children in the Hotspots. In the framework of a “coalition of the willing” at the EU level, Germany is ready to accept “a reasonable proportion”. The protection of the refugee search store “threatens to be a disaster, as soon as the disease Covid-19 breaks out there”.

The EU “is in light of these catastrophic conditions in a serious test”. The EU needs to support “our Partner for Greece in this important task and relieve”. Therefore, the Commission was facing “the urgent responsibility” to allow, where appropriate, in consultation with the UN refugee organization UNHCR, it is quickly that the children from the crowded refugee camps after Germany and other willing EU member States could be brought.

The coalition Committee of Union and SPD had agreed in March to bring in the context of the EU partners of Greece in view of the difficult humanitarian situation on the Greek Islands, a total of approximately 1000 to 1500 children to Germany, and to care for. It is, according to the coalition decision to have children, the ill or unaccompanied, and younger than 14 years. Doctor warns of rubber gloves: “Hygienic mess on a large scale” FOCUS Online/Wochit doctor warns of rubber gloves: “Hygienic mess of major proportions”
