The Association of anesthesiologists of Ukraine has sent the country’s leadership a letter criticizing the Ukrainian ventilators.

An open letter addressed to the President of Ukraine, the Verkhovna Rada and the Cabinet of the country. The letter States that the promised “domestic manufacture of medical ventilators” creates a “illusion solution”, but “professionals understand that there is nothing to be happy about.”

“And even call some of these “killers” – quotes RIA “news” the text of the letter.

Indicates that most of these devices “do not meet modern requirements, are not adapted for long-term artificial ventilation of patients and can actually be extremely dangerous.”

In addition, it is reported that “the claimed modern modes of mechanical ventilation” Chinese phones “raises great doubts among experts”. At the same time “know who is going to carry out maintenance and repair of the above equipment” as well as the period of their work. Anesthesiologists surprises and “the cost of these devices” in the 20-45 thousand euros.

Anesthesiologists were asked to consider their expert comments in the procurement of ALV, as well as to consider possible maintenance of these devices and training doctors.

We will remind, in Russia after two fires in hospitals of the Ural instrument-making plant checked all of the party of the ventilator – it was assumed that the probable cause of the fire could be machines that were manufactured at this plant.

The investigative Committee is investigating the causes of the tragedy, the head of Minpromtorg Denis Manturov urged not to draw hasty conclusions before the publication of the results of verification. The health Ministry announced the suspension of circulation of vehicles “Aventa-M”.