Russia has no right to celebrate the day of Victory over Nazism. With such statement on air Еспресо.TV made by the former Minister of foreign Affairs of Ukraine Pavlo Klimkin.

"the Main principle and our and European memory is "never again". And Russia will use this day to mobilize and unleash the new war", – said the former diplomat.

The Ukrainians, he said, should be vigilant not to succumb to "historical provocations" from Moscow.In Ukraine 8 may is celebrated as the Day of memory and reconciliation.

This holiday was instituted in March 2015. Thus, the country actually joined the tradition to celebrate the victory over Nazi Germany in the Western European sample. In addition, Ukraine continues to celebrate the Victory Day on 9 may, but the main event for the end of the war at the state level are held on may 8th.

The Russian authorities have repeatedly stated that some countries are trying to rewrite history. President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow is obliged to ensure the preservation of the truth about the great Patriotic war and to resist attempts to falsify its history.

Attempts to rewrite history and to equate the liability of the Soviet Union and Germany beginning of world war II committed in order to force Russia to justify himself, said the head of state.

According to him, Russia thus tries to put "about the situation of people who should feel guilt".