U.S. Ambassador to South Korea Harry Harris Jr. shaved his mustache after politicians and representatives of the South Korean public has criticized them because of the Association with a mustache, who wore a Japanese military officials during the colonization of Korea. Mister Harris Jr. said that he had shaved off his mustache because of the summer heat and need to wear a medical mask.Mr Harris Jr. has repeatedly criticised in South Korean media, including after his statements that the country needs more money to spend on your own army, but also to change the approach to its relations with North Korea. In December last year, the Korea Times wrote that mustache Harry Harris, Jr., “associated with the image of the United States recently, disrespectful and even violent against Korea.” Ambassador — American of Japanese descent (his mother is Japanese and father is American) and Admiral U.S. Navy retired, then said he will shave off his mustache, only if someone can convince him that they hurt U.S.-Korean relations.Since then, South Korea has repeatedly criticized the mustache of Mr. Harris, Jr., among other things, mentioned that they look like whiskers many Japanese governors-General of Korea and that it causes painful memories of the colonial era of 1910-1945 years. However, some experts have said that the moustache of this style was worn not only by Japanese officials, but many figures of the time overall, for example the head of the Kuomintang party and the President of the Republic of China Chiang Kai-shek.Yana Christmas