Should Ukraine be given priority in the EU? And how great is the risk that the aggressor Russia will first flatten the neighboring country? The discussion at “Anne Will” is tedious. Is it also because the Germans are already tired of discussing the war?

It’s bitter and it may not apply to a large number of people, but: are the Germans tired of hearing more and more about the war in Ukraine? And maybe there isn’t enough to discuss while the fighting is tedious and Ukraine can’t win? Don’t have to win? “Solidarity with Ukraine – what are Germany and Europe ready for?” is the topic of the Sunday talk “Anne Will”.

Also read: All political developments and voices about the war in the ticker.

It gets to the point of someone who otherwise did not contribute much to the discussion this Sunday on ARD. It is Michael Müller, SPD politician and formerly better known as the Governing Mayor of Berlin. “It’s colorful back and forth here,” states Müller. And he’s right. The discussion in “Anne Will” suffers from fraying and dullness. The moderator steers alarmingly lax a round that oscillates between Ukraine’s EU accession negotiations and arms deliveries and produces little or nothing.

Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, starts the program optimistically. At the political level, she wants to quickly bring the badly hit country into the EU. During the talk in the first, she says: “Ukraine deserves it.” When asked then: Yes, one must “see even more reforms”. But many things are already so exemplary that “many states in the EU can learn a lesson”.

But what about large-scale corruption? According to journalist Christoph Schwennicke, Ukraine would be “far above”. According to Schwennicke, the Ukraine has developed strongly and moved towards Europe. “But there is no automatism,” said the publicist, to accept Ukraine faster than other candidates. Michael Müller also sees it this way: “Other candidates must not be put off.”

CDU politician Johann Wadephul is being questioned about the Chancellor’s visit to Ukraine. “Praise Olaf Scholz? I like doing that.” Wadephul doesn’t praise his neighbor Schwennicke. On the contrary. “You make yourself dependent on Mr. Putin,” he accuses the journalist. “No, I’m not doing that. It is a legitimate goal not to become a party to the war.” It is difficult to extract anything meaningful from this discussion. Claudia Major, a political scientist, at least has a clear opinion. “Are we supporting Ukraine enough? No, not at the moment.” But she also thinks it would be good to include Ukraine – from the EU’s point of view. Also for this reason: “If the EU does not reform itself, there is a risk that it will exaggerate itself.”

Dmytro Kuleba, Ukraine’s Foreign Minister, is connected from Kyiv. Unlike the Ukrainian ambassador Andriy Melnyk, Kuleba is at least trying to use an appropriate tone. He is clear nonetheless. “It would be a historic mistake if the EU states did not agree.” This is about Ukraine’s inclusion in candidate status. And the arms shipments? “We believe that Germany could do more.” Germany is currently the 8th supplier country, behind Estonia, for example.

A moral appeal from Kuleba follows: “The later they send us the weapons, the more people will die. It’s very simple.” Russia currently outnumbers its country. However, giving up is not an option for the Ukrainian foreign minister: “If we don’t get weapons, then we will fight with shovels,” says Kuleba. You can believe him.

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