the United States will produce about 600 million doses of vaccines against coronavirus, as soon as these drugs will approve the Management on sanitary inspection behind quality of foodstuff and medicines. The President of the United States Donald trump said Tuesday at a press conference.

According to his words, reached an agreement with American biotech company Moderna in the manufacture and supply of 100 million doses of the vaccine candidate. The purchase will Fund the Federal government. The White house recalled the cooperation of the authorities and with other companies developing vaccines. “After more may soon be 500 million doses, so it will be 600 million”, – quotes TASS.

meanwhile, Russian President Vladimir Putin said on 11 August that Russia was the world’s first vaccine against coronavirus. It was developed by the National research center (NRC) of epidemiology and Microbiology named after N. F. Gamalei of the Ministry of health. The head of state stressed that the drug has passed all the necessary tests. Mass production of the Russian vaccine should begin soon.