the US President, trump said: “may 8, 1945 America and Britain defeated the Nazis!”.

the Statement infinitely stupid. This is the first President of the United States (and probably the last), which mention the Victory of 1945 gave the Soviet Union, and along with France, Canada, etc.

there is a Russian saying: “offended mind is not offended.” But stupid and offensive words, trump immediately took offense at us many deputies, senators, TV hosts and represented by the Ministry of foreign Affairs Maria Zakharova. That’s their job.

trump’s Words can’t change anything in world history and even American school textbooks. A reasonable part of the American population perceives the President as a man impudent, shameless, a liar. And this opinion is out there for the years of his rule has not changed for the better.

And we have the only thing that would be worth on this occasion to say: shoot yourself, State Duma deputies, who stood and applauded when it became known that trump won the election. They then forgot another Russian proverb: “Better to lose with a clever than a fool to find.”

Our life, thank God, not depend on the trump; and in General, what can we do to make people, who stayed a maximum of 4 years. Our lives are determined not by the President of the United States, and the President of Russia.

Only that Putin gave an interview where he said that the Russian national idea is patriotism.

PUTIN. Patriotism is to devote ourselves to the development of the country and its progress. But this does not mean that you have to grasp only for our heroic past. You need to look at our no less heroic and successful future.

We are a very long time and many times promised a bright future. We’re already in it or is it yet to come? Or it is behind us and we didn’t notice? If bright future ahead, then behind a dark past, but to think so is not good.

Putin said about our heroic past. But our past is what he calls heroic? Brezhnev? Andropov? Chernigovskoe? Gorbachev? Yeltsin? Or is it always about the victories over the Cumans and Pechenegs? In the memory of the heroic past one: 1941-1945. Is that still Patriotic war of 1812. Can’t be that the President called the heroic episodes of our history, collectivization, the Great Terror.

the Past, of course, can be interpreted as anything; to call it dark or light, but it does not change. It is what it is. Not as important the presidential assessment of the past, more important than the prospect.

He promised a heroic future. And where you need a heroism? Not isolated (in a hole for a drowning child or in a burning house), and the mass, which is promised all over the country.

nationwide Mass heroism is needed only in war. It is needed only in hard times, in desperate circumstancesAthelstan. Heroism requires sacrifice.

…In December 1934, when people have already shot packs, was released the famous film “Jolly fellows”. Their song was caught up by all country:

We build a song and live help,
the She’s on the wings to win,
the And he who with the song walks through the life,
with That never will be gone!

And if the enemy of our joy alive
the Take wants in a bitter battle
the Then we’ll sing the battle song
the And stand chest for your Home!

We are about to receive, understand and open:
the Cold pole and the blue vault.
When the country is supposed to be a hero
our hero is getting any!

This surprising sentence: “When the country will order, we became the hero either.” Not so easy to become a hero on the order. And that means “the country will order”? Country (forests, fields and rivers, villages and cities, farmers, engineers, doctors and teachers) never ordered. Orders power, which identificeret with the country itself. The Emperor or the Secretary General or the President — they are all the same people. To order can, and the country are not.

so think about which statement is closer to us: “When the country will order to be a hero, we became the hero of any” or “Unhappy the country that needs heroes”? It’s in the same 1930-e years have written a great friend of the Soviet Union, Bertolt Brecht. He had to leave the country, when the government ordered the Germans to be heroes. Starting in may 1945 nothing they do not order.