More than half feel emotional exhaustion.

About 80% of Russians have lost interest in the epidemic COVID-19. About it it is spoken in research of the faculty of social Sciences of the higher school of Economics, which acquainted “Izvestia”. More than half of respondents feel emotional exhaustion — fatigue, and irritated against the people, dissatisfaction with work and life in General. According to experts, after isolation from the bulk of the Russians will be back to normal. Pandemic was a test that showed how important it is to manage your emotions, say psychologists.

About 80% of Russians in the period of the spread of coronavirus has lost interest in work, professional achievements, they now do not care. To such conclusion experts of the faculty of social Sciences at the HSE in their study, “Stress and burnout in a situation of a pandemic”.

burnout significantly reduces the efficiency of employees, the study said. It is most often accompanied by increased irritability, lack of energy, sleep disorders and results in the loss of motivation, cynicism and indifference to others.

With more than 60% of Russians are in a state of emotional exhaustion. One third of them (35%) along with its level as high, a quarter (26%) as average. Women are sick more than men (67% vs. 55%).

Emotional exhaustion is manifested as fatigue, loss of interest and positive feelings towards others, a sense of satiety work, dissatisfaction with life in General.

the study, which was conducted this spring, participated 7588 Russians of different ages, of which 55,5% were female and 44.5% male.

One of the authors is a psychologist Ekaterina Strizhova explained that from a state of emotional exhaustion and professional burnout in the form of light people can go on their own. For this you just need to plan your time:

the Psychologist Olga mahovsky believes that under due pandemic conditions, the fading may primarily occur in those who are working at the limit of its possibilities: doctors, emergency, social workers. Their condition especially risky: employers may lose a good and much needed professionals.

— In all other cases it is banal fatigue, which is not determined by the degree of stress and the inability to change the situation. It is also a reaction to restrictive measures, lack of social contacts. That is the reason easy to overcome. As soon as things started to come to the office to walk on the street and communicate with each other, the state will begin to change, — told “Izvestia” expert.

the Pandemic has become our mental��Kim trial to show how important it is to manage your emotions. But, on the other hand, such hardening gives strength, the psychologist said.

According to her, it is important to combat professional burnout was entered by employers. Regular communication with staff, emphasize the importance of their activities helps to overcome self-doubt.

One of the causes of stress was the financial state of the Russians, mentioned in the study. More than a quarter of respondents (almost 27%) due crisis associated with the pandemic, lack of funds for clothes and food.

Over the period of a pandemic, the financial condition of citizens has deteriorated, especially those who worked in areas affected due restrictive measures, said the head of research Department of labour Economics and personnel Economics faculty of Moscow state University, Riorita Kolosova.

— After the release from isolation it will all depend on how heads of the enterprises will adapt to the new configuration of the economy and labour market. Digital technology, which is actively used in the period of limitations, found at any cost, including in terms of employees, they can save. We are waiting for the restructuring of work and workplaces, — has told “news” the expert.

the founder of the company SuperJob Alexei Zakharov evaluates the actual number of unemployed is 10 million people:

as for wages, the companies suspended their activities, they were reduced by 30-50% — this helped to retain staff. Climb the salary will be very slow. The largest employers, including government agencies, salaries generally did not reduce, but to increase them in the near future we can hardly count.