Belarusian restaurateur Vadim Prokopiev called the head of state Alexander Lukashenko to a duel. Appeal to him he posted on YouTube.

Prokopyev said that he became aware of the fact that the Belarusian leader called him a “p******om” (person with a different sexual orientation — approx. “Of the”), reacting to the attempt of a businessman to create in Belarus the Association of restaurateurs to resolve issues with the government and lobbying their own interests.

Belarusians took to the mass protests

Prokopiev requires Lukashenko a public apology or a duel — three rounds in the Boxing ring. As the seconds restaurateur offers to invite the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs Yury Karaev and former commander of the Riot police Yury Padabed. The businessman gave the head of state 24 hours to reply, stating that he had sent his appeal to his press service.

Earlier, Lukashenko promised to restore order with freedom of speech in the Republic. At a meeting with members of the media he stressed that freedom of speech does not imply permissiveness. The President stated that some, unfortunately, understand her, especially speech on the Internet.