the widow’s Lawyer, Ukrainian rapper Andy Cartwright (real name — Alexander Yushko) Marina Kohala Irina Scurtu called the possible causes of the death of the rapper. About it writes “Komsomolskaya Pravda”.

According to her, she does not exclude that the rapper could choke on food or he suffered a cardiac arrest. Now in the documents of the investigation there is nothing about drugs. “Some injuries, traumatic brain injuries or stab wounds on the body, which would be murder too, no,” she said.

the Lawyer also told in detail how was the dismemberment of the rapper and which at that time were members of the whole family. So, a two year old child was in the next room, which is located ten meters from where the body lay. “When I came to her house, the smell was not, everything was clean, cleaned. Marina tried to destroy all things of the husband,” said Scurto.

Previously, the lawyer said that the mother Kohala helped her daughter to dismember the body of the rapper, but the true motive of the perfect woman of the act was to “preserve the blessed memory of my husband”. Scurtu conveyed the words of the defendant that now she would not have done so with the body of her husband.

On the death of Cartwright became known on July 30. Then Kohala stated that her husband died four days ago from a drug overdose. To hide “the inglorious death of a musician”, she dismembered spouse, put the remains in bags and wanted to hide, but not figured out what to do with packages, so I contacted a lawyer, who called the police. She later described how he tried to get rid of the body.