White house increases pressure on the chief expert on infectious diseases of the United States, Dr. Anthony Fauci. U.S. officials on condition of anonymity told CNN that "several White house officials are concerned that Dr. Fauci made a lot of mistakes obvious things". He provided a long list of examples, citing comments Fauci at the beginning of the pandemic and links to past interviews.

These examples, which, according to experts of the channel, reminiscent of the accusations of the opposition of the political enemy, consisted of the doctor saying, to downplay the danger of coronavirus in the early stages of a pandemic, and a quote from his statement in March, when Fauci said, "People should not walk in disguise".

As the source noted, President Donald trump and Fauci does not talk to each other and stopped to chat a few weeks ago. The tension between them arose when they accused each other of lack of response to the pandemic.

In a recent series of newspaper and audiovisual interviews Fauci, who worked under the guidance of six presidents of the United States, have allowed themselves to openly stand up to Trump. He, in particular, reacted strongly to the President’s statement that "99% of all cases of coronavirus in the United States was totally harmless".

Trump began to publicly criticize Fauci in speeches on national television. "Doctor Fauci is a good man, but he made a lot of mistakes," said trump last week. At the same time, analysts say, trump is well aware that Americans in surveys Fauci trust more than him. In a recent interview with the head of the White house have openly questioned the recommendation that he received from Fauci at the beginning of the pandemic. I agree with trump’s many high-ranking officials in the White house. Other administration officials told CNN that while they have disagreements with the methods Fauci, they do not doubt his integrity, noting that his only concern is public health.

The Chairman of the intelligence Committee of the house of representatives Adam Schiff, a California Democrat and one of the most implacable critics of trump, said Sunday night that any White house attempts to overshadow or discredit Fauci "just awful". According to him, such a move "so typical of Donald trump that he can easily dismiss the doctor". "the President again intervened," concluded Schiff.

Kathleen Sebelius, who was the head of the Department of health and human services under former President Barack Obama, said that attempts to discredit Fauci and other scientists "potentially very dangerous" at a time when the US and other countries work��t on a vaccine against the coronavirus.