A number of Western countries and their allies were forbidden to seek help from Russia in fighting the coronavirus, said Russian foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov.

In an article for the Chinese edition of Global Times, he condemned the “absurd accusations” against Russia, “the desire to use humanitarian and medical assistance for “the strengthening of geopolitical influence”, reports TASS.

He also criticized “contrary to basic diplomatic norms humiliating prohibitions to appeal to Russia for medical-humanitarian assistance – regardless of how disastrous the situation.”

As the Minister said, “it turns out, the solidarity of the Euro-Atlantic sample more expensive life and health of tens of thousands of ordinary citizens.”

Lavrov believes that the reluctance of “Western countries, many argue about the need to respect human rights, to renounce the use of unilateral economic restrictions against the States of the developing world at least until the normalization of the global epidemiological situation” due to the “politicization of humanitarian issues”. He accused Western countries of trying to “take advantage of the pandemic to punish uncooperative governments”.

The Minister of foreign Affairs of Russia urged the world to unite to help the gradual recovery of the global economy after the crisis, caused by a coronavirus. He noted that, “hitting the person, the virus gets in a collective economic structure”. The response would be to work on the “unification of the potentials of various integration projects on the Eurasian space.” In particular, we are talking about the initiative of the President of Russia Vladimir Putin “on the formation of the Great Eurasian partnership based on the principles of international law and transparency,” which contribute to “building a space of peace and stability from Lisbon to Jakarta”.

Lavrov has called the pandemic “another exhortation to humility before a great trouble equal of the country and people regardless of geographic location, level of material well-being or political ambitions.” There is a need to “comprehensively, comprehensively assess the supply of global sustainability in the face of such challenges in the future, to develop methods for joint responses to them.”

The Minister noted that in connection with the development of technology “most of the problems in the modern world sooner or later become common, or at least have a broad international perspective”. Russia has long warned about the “security of the underestimation of the transboundary nature of many threats – from terrorism to cybercrime.”

Russia is ready to assist all interested countries, regardless of which political line adheres to their guidance. Russia – “one of the key betweennational centres, the exporter and guarantor of security,” a role she found, because “repeatedly faced with dangerous challenges when endangered was its very existence”. Lavrov urged “to abandon the inertia of thinking based on outdated stereotypes, and to finally start to act from a position of morality.”

The head of the Russian foreign Ministry stressed that the coronavirus has put an end to the idea of the triumph of the ultra-liberal Western model of development and the ability to solve all problems market methods, because “much greater stress has demonstrated a self-sufficient country with established mobilization mechanisms, clearly articulated national interests and distinctive value platforms.” It became clear that the major players in the international arena remain States with their national interests.

While Lavrov has opposed steps to defamation of the world health organization and attempts to use the current situation to undermine the basic principles of the UN’s work.

He criticized the countries that used to “to declare or recite their moral leadership and the rich democratic traditions,” because they “reject the basic rules of decency, ethical restraints and begin to act according to the law of the jungle.” As an example, Lavrov cited “attempts to lay the burden of blame for the spread of infection in China or unscrupulous speculation about Russian assistance to a number of States, rendered at the request of their governments.” As the Minister said, the pandemic showed a number of examples of “lack of humanism”.