Enterprises of the Moscow weekly produce 260 thousand units of special clothing for health care workers — surgical Shoe covers and disposable gowns. About this like reported on the official website of the mayor, the Deputy mayor for economic policy and property and land relations Vladimir Yefimov.

According to him, the capital of the light industry enterprises produce more than 200 thousand gowns, and more than 60 thousand Shoe covers. 70 thousand units of special clothing release company, which redeveloped its capacity at the time of the pandemic coronavirus infection COVID-19. 25% of 260 thousand units of special clothes produced four major clothing manufacturer.

Efimov said that the needs of the health care system of Moscow in personal protection for medical staff is fully secured, are not dependent on imports, and price changes.

“Translation part of the light industry for the manufacture of individual protection means for medical staff allows manufacturers to save the state and the income of their employees,” he added.