the Great Patriotic war is “people” not only because all the people mobilized, came to the defense of the Fatherland and has been working to Win. This war was popular because she could not “hide” anyone. All the people she “touched” by the blast. Every house looked, many families are “thinned”. Joined the family albums with pictures of forever young, who did not return from the fighting guys and even girls.

Courage, courage, courage and resistance shown then the Soviet people – young and old. Not sparing himself, rushed to the attack very young kid. Claimed a year or two in order to go to the front as volunteers. Fortunately to say, some of the participants and witnesses of those events live and are among us. Unfortunately, a more “Mature” members of the war – who the terrible events caught at least twenty years old, have less. Unit. And particularly bitter by the fact that we can’t today with the fullness, grandeur, and most importantly to honor them, worship them, to Express their sense of infinite gratitude. To transmit them to the podium for the guests of honor on red square to there they looked at the ceremonial calculations of their successors: those who took over the security, integrity and freedom of our beloved homeland.

of Course, preparing in advance for the celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Victory, we are completely different imagined this day. Planned several large-scale events, ceremonies involving world leaders – the leaders of the countries-allies in the struggle against Nazism and countries, released the main hero-the winner – the Soviet Union. Pandemic coronavirus has made some adjustments to our plans, but it does not mean that we will not give tribute to all who deserve it and deserve. Emphasize that a great Victory parade is not canceled, but merely postponed for another time. It will be held. And on Victory Day, its 75-year anniversary under favorable meteorological conditions will be carried out by its aviation unit.

I with pride and nostalgia that the 70-year anniversary of the great Victory “celebrated” at the helm of the unique machine – famous, unsurpassed and the best in decades, a strategic bomber Tu-160 “White Swan”. Then by tradition in the stands was attended by the veterans of the great Patriotic war. Exciting and important for me was the moment of the demonstration the soldiers at the biggest and most powerful in the history of military aviation supersonic aircraft with variable geometry wings.

Amazing property has this holiday. Chronologically closer to the event, not alienate him, do not obscure in people’s memory. First and foremost, then�� that history neither before nor after did not know of the conflicts and struggles that are comparable in scale of fighting and human loss events “1418 days”.

to Fight hard. To die always scared. The enemy is always dangerous. So do not forget about the exploits and achievements of veterans of other wars, which were attended by our compatriots. His mission, our nation had always seen to help those who need it. The help of Soviet military experts to the Vietnamese people during the war waged by the United States of America, prevented the destruction of this Asian state. The invaluable contribution of the USSR in the resolution of the military conflict 1950-1953 on the Korean Peninsula. Limited contingent of Soviet troops in Afghanistan, fulfilled his task and kept a friendly country from the redistribution of power, loss of statehood and sovereignty.

And in the 21st century, Russia has saved Syria from no less ominous threat: at the beginning of the counter-terrorism campaign of our videoconferencing more than 70 percent of the territory of this country was under the control of insurgents. Unlike our “Western partners”, the resolution of certain conflicts that we are involved at the invitation of the legitimate government of the countries in which they occur.

Separately mention of veterans of the Soviet-Japanese war. The one with the soldiers of the great Patriotic war generation, together they rejoiced the long-awaited Victory, made plans for a peaceful life. But they had again to go into battle, and with little time for “respite”: in August 1945 they were forced to fight again.

most recently, in April this year was adopted the law on the transfer of the memorable dates of the Second world war, from 2 to 3 September. In my opinion, it would be appropriate to coincide with the Victory Parade on red square celebrating the day of military glory, unless, of course, will allow the epidemiological situation.

But on May 9, our main characters, of course, veterans of the great Patriotic war. The authors and creators of the great Feat. Speaking about the feat, we sometimes unwittingly and sometimes deliberately use this word in the singular. Say not “exploits”, and “the feat of the Soviet people.” History does not know a more striking examples of a unifying national grief. True that our multicultural home was not a more cohesive, solid and unified than in the years of the great Patriotic war. Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Kazakh, Kirghiz, Uzbek, Tatar and representatives of many other nationalities acted amazingly consistently on the go and learned to work in a team, even if you didn’t have to do, understand each other perfectly. This is why 9 May is a really unifying day, encouraging to remember that we are all descendantsand the heirs of the great Victory.

What can we do today to be worthy of the sacrifice that brought a generation of veterans of the great Patriotic war? First of all, to defend historical truth. To counteract the distortions of history, to prevent vandalism liberated by the Soviet Union countries (the clearest manifestation of this vandalism is the dismantling of the monument to Marshal Ivan Stepanovich Konev in Prague).

To no one and nothing was forgotten, everything must be washable not only are these “black” and “white spots” to continue the search to identify and perpetuate the memory of unknown heroes. And another is to live according to conscience, for the good of the Motherland, multiplying it benefit each in his place, making the maximum possible contribution to the development of Russia.

the Federation Council have been preparing for this day. And in terms of events was developed many months ago, we have provided a personal celebration each participant of the great Patriotic war (unfortunately, all of them have less than 50 thousand). When it will be possible for epidemiological indications, senators and deputies will meet with each and every congratulate, all will receive prizes. An honour and privilege for us that twelve living veterans of the great Patriotic war in different years were senators and staff of the Council of Federation (the Council of the Federation Council Committee on defense and security also served as a veteran of the great Patriotic war major General, son of the regiment). Each of them will be visited by the staff of management personnel of the upper house and will give them gifts. In addition, each of these distinguished people will receive a cash prize.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.