According to the source, trump’s administration on Friday abandoned a plan to ban Chinese passenger airlines flying to the US, after Beijing lifted restrictions on flights of foreign. The new order, however, restricts Chinese carriers two weekly flights to the U.S., which is twice less than planned, officials in China. Analysts attribute this fact with the increasing tensions between the two countries.

“the New measures are needed to restore competitive balance and fair and equal opportunities for U.S. and Chinese carriers in the market of scheduled passenger transportation”, – reads the statement of the U.S. Department of transportation.

Recall, American airlines, Delta Air Lines and United Airlines planned to resume service in China, which was suspended earlier this year after the outbreak of coronavirus resulted in a decrease in demand. But I have not received the necessary permits from the Chinese government to resume flights early last week.

In response, the administration, trump said that banned Chinese passenger carriers flying in the United States since mid-June. Several hours later, Chinese officials allowed the foreign airlines to operate flights once per week.

Us carriers has welcomed the decision of the Ministry of transport, despite the remaining constraints, logistical challenges for crews as well as the additional responsibilities of flight attendants for checking the temperature of passengers. “We support and appreciate the continuing efforts of the US government to ensure justice and access to China,” said Delta Air Lines.