the trade Unions proposed to increase the minimum payment to the unemployed to the level of the subsistence minimum of able-bodied population for the II quarter of 2019 and the maximum to the average wage in the region. In this scenario, unemployment could exceed 50 thousand rubles per month. Given the fact that the number of registered unemployed in Russia has exceeded 3 million, the money for all this, according to conservative estimates, will take about 420 billion rubles a year. However, financial aspects are not the main. According to experts, the initiative is impossible though, because the state absolutely does not need an army of potential parasites.

a Letter of offer from the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia (FNPR) have been sent to the Russian tripartite Commission on regulation socially-labour relations. Benefits shall be reimbursed at least half of lost earnings, the authors note. This, they resemble, to the Convention of the International labour organization No. 168 “concerning employment promotion and protection against unemployment.” The measure will not only help the unemployed to maintain a decent standard of living, but also will lead consumer demand and, accordingly, will serve as a driver of economic growth.

Now unemployment benefits are calculated based on the Federal values, which are set for the country as a whole. If they start to bind to the regional indicators, Ministry of Finance may grab the head and rebel, says the member of the Board of Confederation of labour of Russia Pavel Kudyukin. To count it will be extremely difficult.

Such payments have been increased recently: it happened in the mass and universal manner on the background resulting from the pandemic problems in the labour market. Today, the minimum benefit is 4,5 thousand rubles (before crisis — 1,5 thousand) and the highest was 12.1 thousand rubles. To implement the idea FITUR is necessary to carry out the calculations for each separately taken region, and a unified approach is no good here. Since each subject of Russia a living wage of able-bodied population and its average salary, so this differentiation itself — the problem of discharge impossible.

Obviously, the benefits increase is necessary — now they size ridiculously low. But the question arises: would people find a new job, if the amount of payments will cover his needs? In many European countries the aid is variable: some time the unemployed receives a set amount in full, then the shortened and, finally, he stopped paying. The West is powerful enough incentive for people to seek the source of income will in any case have

This is some magical utopia, is perplexed Professor, Financial University under the PRA��the construction of the Russian Federation Alexey Prong. First, we are talking about serious enough for the Federal budget money. The required amount will have to find by cutting some other expense. Second, the government does not want to give the Russians the opportunity to sit on the Dole. The main task — to make the payments uncomfortable as possible for people to encourage to look for a new job. This is a conscious policy, which takes into account the example of the United States, where the neck of the authorities sitting Horde hereditary unemployed, and entire generations don’t know and don’t want to know that model of existence. “In Russia, benefits for children because tiny to some regions, especially with traditional large families, not “stamped” babies for state money — sums Prong. — Russia is full of jobs. In this feature of our economy. Even at the peak of coronaries we had hundreds of thousands of unfilled vacancies, even non-prestigious and low-paid”.

by the Way, in early July, the government has allocated additional subjects of the Russian Federation of 4 billion rubles on the creation of temporary jobs, which, according to Prime Minister Mikhail mishustina, will employ 80 thousand people. Each had just 50 thousand rubles. But it will be a one-time subsidy, while at a certain skill and have already obtained skills in communicating with the state machine of similar size means it will be possible without great zeal to earn money every month without doing labor heroism.