August 2, the day of St. Elijah the prophet, who is the patron Saint of winged troops, their professional holiday is celebrated “blue berets”. On this day exactly 90 years ago, in 1930 near Voronezh aircraft for the first time as the experiment was dropped paratroopers. This was the beginning of the formation of the most romantic and one of the most courageous Armed forces — airborne troops, airborne troops.

on the Eve of the holiday “MK” met with the Chairman of the Central Board of the Union of paratroopers of Russia Valery Yuriev. A graduate of the famous Ryazan twice red banner command school, he is 27 years of his life to the service of the airborne troops. Awarded six orders.

Service in the landing was devoted the best years of my life, — says Valery Yuriev. — It was a difficult time, associated with severe tests, but I don’t for a moment regret that I had to pass them.

In 1983-1985 you commanded the reconnaissance 350 th guards parachute regiment in Afghanistan, have military awards. What does it mean to you the day of the 90th anniversary of the airborne troops?

For me, this holiday is much more important and significant than, for example, birthday or New year. However, perhaps as well as for many of my fellow colleagues.

the Union of paratroopers of Russia is a kind of reserve airborne troops. A year ago, the commander of airborne troops, Hero of Russia, Colonel-General Andrey Nikolayevich Serdyukov approved the plan of preparation and celebration of the 90th anniversary of our troops. So on day 2 of August across our immense Russia, in all its localities, where at least one paratrooper, a holiday to be celebrated. Celebrations.

what about the fountains? We’re accustomed in Day VDV to see paratroopers bathing in them.

— And where did you get that bathing in the fountains, swaying on human settlements in a state of intoxication, drunken fights is a tradition of celebration of Day of airborne? The Union of Russian paratroopers refers to it negatively.

In the tradition of the landing even more selfless service to the Motherland, efficient and unquestioning performance of combat or combat training tasks, and even their lives, professional excellence, mutual assistance and mutual support, honoring veterans and those who died for the Fatherland, protection of and assistance to any weak. Here is what the traditions of the airborne forces.

But the holiday is not a sin to relax?

— Yes, but in order to reduce all the negative cases in the behavior of our children, the Union of paratroopers of Russia takes responsibility for the organization and conduct of 2 Aug of day of airborne troops. On the eve of conduct explanatory work with former Marines meet, talk on the phone with the regional offices. And in De��ü airborne in local festivals will stop the misconduct of those who decided to celebrate by their rules, spoiling the celebration for all of us.

In General, we planned 312 festive events, which will take part more than 120 thousand people.

on the day of the 90th anniversary of the airborne troops across the country will open new sites, there will be a celebration of the most active members and veterans of the airborne forces. Concerts will take place military-Patriotic songs. Features performances, where paratroopers will demonstrate the skills. The youth will take part in tactical games, parachute jumping, concerts…

— the Scale to large. The organizers enough? How many do you have regional offices? A lot of them veterans of the airborne forces?

— the Union of Russian paratroopers in 64 regions of Russia unites 131 organization, each of which is a legal entity. In our series 60 thousand people. Of these, more than 40% of them were combatants.

And the authority of the Union of Russian paratroopers in the country is growing. Every day wishing to become members of our organization becoming more and more.

— a Member of the organization may be served in any airborne?

Not any. We are very careful admission to the Union veteran organizations, and veterans themselves. Our approach the members of the Union should be the only active organizations and people who are willing and able to bring real help to give practical results. We don’t need a ballast, which does nothing, and seek membership in the organization only personal gain and dividends.

— speaking of dividends: the media have described cases where some pseudodementia with false documents, and undeserved awards tried to get benefits. You with that fight?

— lately POPs up the theme of “clowns”. In my opinion, it’s either not very healthy people on the head, or just the villains who seek to usurp the right to wear awards won by our guys sweat, blood and sometimes their lives. Consider it a crime.

We try to ensure that laws were passed which “mummers” would bear a serious responsibility, including criminal. In the meantime, if we hear about such cases, try using friendly media to convey the greatest possible number of people this information.

to Expose these “heroes” to minimize the harm they bring to society. After using a good attitude of citizens to the soldiers, combatants, they are in their fraudulent purposes is a disgrace to us and our military awards.

— Well, you say that members of the Union of paratroopers can be not just a wish, but only active people. What kind of things you must deal with members of the Union to Prinosit organizations real help?

Such a lot of cases. Whenever possible, we provide assistance to military families, veterans, troops.


— Optional. First of all, try to be attentive to our veterans. Thanks to the Foundation “Memory of generations” I try to give them the opportunity of obtaining quality health services. The state Duma of the Russian Federation in 2017, the decision was made to allocate public funds for medical rehabilitation of participants of operations and veterans of military service and the families of dead soldiers. During this period, more than 2,500 members of the Union of Russian paratroopers had received such rehabilitation.

We also prepare future recruits to the service in the airborne and entering our guards Ryazan airborne command school. The decision of the commander of the airborne troops we are given the opportunity to conduct classes with members of the youth military-Patriotic clubs on the educational and material base of the airborne units. So, from the Yaroslavl military-Patriotic club “Paratrooper” eleven of the pupils have become students of our airborne school.

— I Know that the Union is also conducting creative contests. Recently, with the participation of “MK” was held the festival of military-Patriotic song “For Russia, troops and spetsnaz.”

— Yes, this festival is held annually since 2010. Its mission is to support talented singer-songwriters of the number of veterans of the airborne forces and members of their families, as well as the education of our youth through Patriotic song. The initiator of its carrying out — a retired Colonel Mikhail Kalinkin. This year the main dates of the festival are: March 1 — 20 years, a feat of the 6th company of Pskov paratroopers, may 9 — 75th anniversary of the Victory in the great Patriotic war and now, August 2 — 90 years of the airborne troops.

a total of five years were 574 of the concert program in which took part more than 6,500 professional and Amateur artists. They were attended by nearly 300 million viewers. And the songs sounded not only in airborne units, leading military academies, but also on the forum “Army” competition Army “Elbrus ring”. Our artists went on a concert tour even in Syria.

Manage the Union leadership to keep in a single organization so many people who’ve seen and experienced in life, sometimes we have a difficult nature, recognize only their own opinion?

— you Know, the Marines have always been solidarity, brotherhood and spirit. Airborne always served and only serve real men. People are morally and physically strong, and you’re right, sometimes with his unpredictable dissenting opinion, know their worth. And because the only recipe that can allow you to control these people, — personal authority.

In the landing not working phrase: do as I say. ��here only works: do as I do. You just have to be a professional in the business. And to be loyal to this business.