Gifhorn. In the case of Gifhorn, a truck has underestimated driver, apparently, the height of its load, according to a truck that was loaded with an excavator remained, under the railway bridge, on the Brunswick road. As a result, the track rests for the hour transport between Hannover and Wolfsburg.

Accordingly, the Arm of the excavator was too high for the underpass have been. Now the load carriage and its load in the Tunnel. How long the eviction takes, can currently not be said. During the work, the train line between Hannover and Wolfsburg is at a standstill for the time being. The track will be released as soon as the Situation is resolved.

The driver had apparently underestimated the amount of its freight. Photo: aktuell24 Regional Today

This article was written by Niklas Eppert

*The post “trucks with the excavator under the bridge, hang – rail set” is published by Contact with the executives here.