According to scientists, worldwide CoViD-19 was the “trigger” for the poorly understood threat of the disease. And while science does not know what still is its true cause.

In 1961, the four-year old boy in Japan was brought to the hospital with a strange combination of symptoms: fever, rash, peeling on the skin inflamed eyes, swollen lymph nodes in neck and bright red (“strawberry”) tongue. His doctor was Tomisaku Kawasaki. He is now 95 years old. Half a century later he said that the boy is doing well, he grew up and lives a full life. But neither the doctor nor his colleagues around the world still fails to unravel the secret of a strange disease that he once was first identified.

And now doctors from several countries worried about the future life of hundreds of her suddenly ill. Later, a few months after the start of the coronavirus pandemic almost simultaneously received alarming information from doctors from the USA and several European countries sharply increased the number of hospitalized with suspected Kawasaki syndrome. In the U.S. state of new York in recent months, has recorded 102 new cases, and all around the country counted 164 in 17 States.

However, while doctors do not undertake to say unequivocally that it was Kawasaki syndrome, they carefully call these inflammation Kawasaki-like syndrome similar to the Kawasaki syndrome. Doctors have noticed that, for example, in new York, almost a third of affected children (29%) aged five to nine years, almost the same number of patients — teenagers. Meanwhile, Kawasaki syndrome most often affects children much younger.

Three of the cases in the U.S. children have died. It is noteworthy that they had tested positive for the coronavirus. CoViD-19 have revealed many other young patients with symptoms of Kawasaki syndrome.

Another scandalous situation — in the Italian province of Bergamo. From 18 February to 20 April 2020 there was taken to the hospital ten children with symptoms of this syndrome. And this despite the fact that over the past FIVE YEARS, there were only 19 cases. According to local doctors, the number of cases jumped at least 30 times: usually the patient with Kawasaki syndrome brought most frequently once in three months. It is worth mentioning that eight out of ten admitted to hospital — test positive for coronavirus.

In the UK reported 20 new cases of suspected Kawasaki syndrome. Is, or at least similar, the disease was recorded in Spain, Switzerland, France died of it nine-year-old boy.

This is inflammation of the circulatory system throughout the body. The most obvious symptom is covered with red spots, the skin, the result of ruptures of small vessels. Their walls die. In the language of physicians calls itXia necrotizing vasculitis. Sometimes it comes to severe lesions of the heart, brain, and gall bladder.

Until recently it was believed that this is a fairly rare disease recorded in the region of ten cases for every hundred thousand children. According to statistics, it affects mainly children from eighteen months to five years. The boys get sick more often than girls. And another until a clear pattern: although generally sick people of different nationalities, but still particularly frequent patients are ethnic Japanese and the other peoples of Asia. This suggests the role of genetic factors. However, for example, the chief physician of children’s city clinical hospital named after Z. A. Buslaeva (Tushino) Ismail Osmanov noted that in his medical practice the genetic predisposition of the patients was not observed.

As noted by Professor of the Ottomans, this syndrome is often hidden “under the guise of” sickness gastrointestinal tract, appendicitis and even banal poisoning. In his opinion, only an experienced pediatrician could easily identify.

the unanswered and most important question — what exactly causes this disease. Observations of physicians indicate that their some the image can provoke a viral or bacterial infection.

American scientists in the recent study came to the conclusion that the manifestations “as” Kawasaki syndrome on the background of the coronavirus may be associated with the fact that CoViD-19 damage to blood vessels. Meanwhile, in Russia, according to the head physician of Tushino hospital, while no alarming statistics on this disease is not recorded.

From abroad, meanwhile, continue to enter all new data: it now appears that “similar to Kawasaki” syndrome began to actively attack and adults. In the United States have identified several patients at the age from 20 to 25 years. It is noted that this has become for physicians a complete surprise — this disease until now were familiar only children’s doctors.

Adel Romanenkova