Professor of the Department of tourism of the geographical faculty of the Perm classical University Alexander Zyryanov has explained to the correspondent “RG” which geographic factors contributed to the spread COVID-19 at the world.

According to the scientist, the features of propagation COVID-19 associated with climatic zones, climate and its seasonal manifestations. So, to a greater extent pandemic coronavirus covered countries in the humid climate. This, for example, the coastal Mediterranean countries, US States (NY, NJ, PA, mi) and the provinces of Canada (new Faundlend and Labrador, Quebec, Ontario), close to the Atlantic and the Great lakes. Dry climate to the spread of a dangerous virus contributes to a lesser extent.

in addition, locations and areas of high infestation often correspond to major transport hubs, big cities and known tourist routes.

In Russia, appear the global features of the spread of coronavirus. From West to East infection generally decreases, reaching the local highs have particularly large cities and in coastal regions close to the Black, Azov and Caspian seas.