How has changed our eating habits over the past few years?

Alexander Baturin: we Have changed the type of food. A few decades ago it was possible to clearly separate food: weekdays and weekends or holidays. And now, foods that are considered delicacies, the greater part of the population there on a permanent basis. And once the family receive extra penny she spent on the diet is easy to implement, does not require fantasy. Sausage for the Russians – the main and understandable product. The cost of the sausage varies from 200 to 700 rubles per kilogram. If for 700 rubles there is still a chance that during its production was used only the meat, for 200 rubles – this skin (like animal protein, but the quality on many parameters does not match the meat), fat or some vegetable components. And it seems that for 200 rubles, we ate meat.

on the other hand, special attention is being paid to the prevention of noncommunicable diseases. And doctors are struggling to promote reduced consumption of saturated fat, TRANS-isomer, sugar, salt. People need to know what foods a lot of them, and avoid excessive consumption of such products.

About two years ago, the CPS has developed guidelines for color marking of such harmful substances in food – from green (low levels) to red (high level). The so-called marking system “Traffic light”. I don’t know whether the food producers these recommendations on Board. In stores I have not seen such markings. Probably, the producer of sausages would not dare to label their products with red color due to high content of fat and salt.

In 2016 Russian Ministry of health approved the recommendations for rational norms of food consumption. Is it time to review the standards in the direction of a more healthy diet?

Alexander Baturin: the Big claims to existing norms can not be: they meet our needs and is largely focused on our eating habits, and most importantly – satisfy the principles of healthy eating. If any comments to these rules is that radical changes should be expected. We will not, as the Japanese have 60 kg of fish. In existing regulations provided sufficient for the formation of healthy diet of vegetables and fruits. However, while this consumption we have not obtained.

it was the only negative – too high settings for salt. But last year, the Ministry of health has adjusted to the values recommended by who is 5 grams per day.

With the same salt in an interesting situation. The average consumption of salt we have up to 12 grams per person per day ��ri recommended 5 grams. One of the main sources of salt, except for the sausage, is the bread. Consuming 300 grams of bread, we receive about 5 g of salt. The reduction of salt in bakery industry is a big problem. Because salt performs a dual function there. First, it provides a taste of the bread. And secondly, it is a functional component that form the elasticity of gluten and the appearance quality of bakery products. If the flour is low in gluten (a type of grain for flour below the 3rd), the reduction of salt will lead to the fact that when cutting the bread will crumble. Of course, reducing salt will affect the taste, but if you do it gradually, then we will also gradually get used to the new taste of the bread.

on the other hand, a lot of salt in home preservation. In pickling cucumbers, sauerkraut adds a lot of salt, but not all of it is consumed. And during fermentation in brine reproduce lactic acid bacteria, which are very useful for human body. Although the high salt content in the brine, which is not always consumed, which negates his positive qualities.

Say we eat a lot of fat, sugar and all sweets. Is it so?

Alexander Baturin: of Sugar should not exceed 10% of the caloric content of the diet. In the existing regulations this option is maintained. But in fact we consume 13-14% in terms of calories. We have half the population daily consume confectionery products.

Previously in the same household lived for several generations, and grandparents saw their grandchildren every day, educated and prepared food for them. And now young parents are more often living separately, but a caring grandmother always thinking about the grandchildren, tend to visit them with Goodies. And it often cakes or candy.

Here is the product with high content of sugar and fat, can be attributed, oddly enough, and glazed cheese that we love so much. Currently on the shelves a wide range of dairy products with different fruit fillings, which are a mixture of large amounts of sugar from fruit. And, of course, loved children sweet drinks where the sugar to 12 grams per 100 ml, and this is a high level. The child will not rest until they drink the entire capacity, and we buy a liter or more than packaging – it is cheaper.

For meat and milk production, too, is a Ruse?

Alexander Baturin: If you look at the norms and the actual consumption of meat is also a very interesting situation. The standards for meat products is presented only in the form of raw products is beef, pork, lamb, poultry. Only 73 kg per year. According to official statistics, the consumption of meat is closer to 90 kg, where meat as a raw material is 62 to 65 kg. the Rest is sausages, canned food, including meat and cereal. But, as we have already discussed, the sausage is not always just the meat, especially if it is not produced according to GOST (the manufacturer has the right to make our own recipe and sell the sausage for 200 rubles per kilogram).

milk we are using average figures of consumption of dairy products. But in dairy products is butter. In fact it is the fat product, which lacks the characteristic milk protein, b vitamins, calcium. We consume in the year to 4 kg of butter per person (in the rules is limited to 2 kg). And in terms of milk it is considered as 80 kg of dairy products. The actual consumption purely dairy products – milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, if you try to compare them with the recommended values is much smaller.

What are the basic principles of supply should remain unchanged?

Alexander Baturin: the Main one is the implementation of medical requirements: the adequate provision of needs of the human body in nutrients and energy, guaranteeing the preservation of health, growth and development of children, active longevity and prevention of common noncommunicable diseases (obesity, diabetes, cardiovascular, cancer, osteoporosis and others), in which malnutrition plays a major role.

high-Quality protein can be taken from meat – beef, pork, lamb, poultry, milk and eggs, as well as legumes (soya, beans or peas), nuts, or a new biotechnology derived sources. But without a sufficient intake of vegetables and fruits (at least 400 g per day) and limit the consumption of fat, sugar and salt healthy eating to form is impossible.

it is Important to remember that most of us have deficiencies of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, when choosing products, preference should be given to those that are enriched with these essential and important to ensure the health of food substances.

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.