according to the report, published on the official website of FIRO, a pandemic can affect the quality of education in primary school. And those guys who this year is preparing to become a first-grader.

– Functional literacy, the ability to not only read but also to understand what they read, critical to treat it largely formed during this period. And here, because of age and psychological characteristics of children of this age are very important the contact with the teacher, – said the Director of the center Boris Ilyukhin. – Unfortunately, distance format of training and the level of IT – competence of primary school teachers does not fully compensate for the translation of the classes in the remote mode.

the Impact of the pandemic on the results of students 4-8 and 10 classes also will be quite significant but can be compensated at the beginning of the new academic year.

“One of the main problems of Russian education, not all teachers can find the contact with students. The pandemic has only exacerbated and highlighted this problem. To solve it will all of us, not just the Ministry of education, – said the expert. – Today the school is practically responsible for the outcome – the academic achievement of children. This problem will solve the new team of the Ministry.”

And least of all, the whole situation with coronavirus will impact on graduates – that is, on 9th and 11th grades. The vast majority of them continue to prepare for the exam and the OGE. Moreover, the abolition of full-time study allows you to focus only on those items that you need to pass to graduate. Many of them continue to engage with Tutors online.

– the Share of graduates who faithfully fulfilled more than 60% of the jobs use in a pandemic will very likely increase, rather than decrease. The proportion of graduates right performed from 30 to 60% of the work will not change significantly, conclude the experts of the fied. – The situation with OGE as a whole is projected to be the same.