Two nine-year-old brothers from France suddenly became owners of a big fortune, when I decided to build a hut out of scrap materials in your garden.

Life in the grip of a quarantine, without exaggeration, be called quite boring. Especially difficult it is necessary parents who have something to take their children. But this time the search for fun has led to very unexpected results and potential replenishment of the Bank accounts of parents in the amount of tens of thousands of euros.

Sometimes it helps the weather is good then can let their children play in the yard or garden (if any) and provide them to look for classes there. That’s exactly what happened with the two brothers-French: games in the garden unexpectedly led them to a very valuable discovery, though not in the garden and in the house.

When France only declared quarantine, the boys ‘ parents, 60-year-old businessman and his wife decided to leave Paris to his country house, located to the South-West from the capital to small historic town of vendôme.

In the garden family estate the brothers, which is not even 10 years old, asked permission to construct a hut made of branches, planks and old sheets.

Father told them that they can take them out of the room of their late grandmother. When the boys were pulling out of the closet sheets, some of them dropped two very weighty subject.

“But they did not pay them special attention and put it back,” he told an interview with the French channel BFMTV, the local auctioneer Philip Rujak.

the Boys still had the sense to tell my father about this discovery.

“He asked them to go back and fetch these objects, at first thinking that it stands for knives that belonged to their grandmother,” explained Ruach.

the head of the family contacted a local auction house to verify this, and sent to the experts a few photos.

It was not stand for knives, and two gold bars weighing 1 kg each.

Both bullion now for sale at this auction house on the estimated cost of 40 thousand euros apiece.

As it turned out, the grandmother of the boys have purchased these bars in 1967, what had the certificate confirming the legality of purchase.

“We decided to wait until gold will rise in price. They can gain at least 100 thousand euros,” — says expert-auctioneer.

the Boys, however, took the father’s word that they, too something will receive for his discovery.

“They told my father: we wish we had a pool,” says Ruyak.

So then they definitely will do.

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