A 36-year-old Neustrelitz has sailed a Quad, a dirt track parallel to the station road in the direction of travel, At the train station. During a turning maneuver of the vehicle driver lost control of the Quad and subsequently the vehicle rolled over. The driver of the vehicle was seriously injured and later had to be in the hospital hospitalized. Before the place could be determined that the driver was under the influence of alcohol. A breath alcohol sample on the spot revealed at 1.71 ppm. Furthermore, it was known that the driver is in possession of a valid driving licence. The Quad only minor damage was reported, this was estimated to be around 500,-EUR. After the recovery of his injuries, the driver will have to reckon with criminal proceedings.

In order Udo Koltermann PHK police leaders from the service control room, police headquarters of Neubrandenburg

questions to the office hours:

the police headquarters of Neubrandenburg, press office Nicole Chaffinch telephone: 0395/5582-2040

Claudia Tupeit phone: 0395/5582-2041 Fax: 0395/5582-2006 E-Mail: pressestelle-pp.neubrandenburg@polizei.mv-regierung.de Twitter: @Polizei_PP_NB

Additional Material: https://www.presseportal.de/blaulicht/pm/108747/4570276 OTS: The police headquarters of Neubrandenburg

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