Contemporaries it seems that during the great Patriotic war the whole country was in a state of siege and no usual civilian life it was not. However, the Soviet Union, although scorched by the war, restored and maintained number the rhythm of life wherever possible.

One example of this could be the resolution of people’s Commissars of the RSFSR of 8 August 1943, which was to ensure the people’s courts facilities. While the Soviet Army fought in the Bryansk, Belgorod, Voronezh and the Donbass, in the Northern regions of the people’s courts could not establish a normal work.

As noted in the decision, they had to live in unsuitable premises, and local authorities not only do not help them, but often even evicted. Therefore, the CPC decided to return to the courts all illegally seized premises, renovate them and furnish the necessary furniture. Moreover, the implementation of these tasks officials have given only a month.