In the case that the deceased had pneumonia and a positive PCR test COVID-19, the pathologist can write in the conclusion that the death was caused by a coronavirus infection of the new type. About it in interview RIA “Novosti” was told by chief specialist of pathological anatomy of the Department of health of Moscow Oleg Zairatyants.

the Pathologist said that the diagnosis of patients with suspected COVID-19 is only after the mandatory autopsy. According to Zairatyants, for this there are certain criteria are also taken into account comorbidities, for which the virus becomes difficult. “And in these cases it is as death from coronavirus infection,” he shared details specialist.

From the point of view of the expert, if a man all his life suffered from heart disease and suffered a heart attack, but he still diagnosed COVID-19, it would be wrong to call the latter the cause of his death. Zairatyants assured that the data oberstab mortality — accurate information, taking into account the results of the autopsy.

Read the article: “Russian doctors have found that the coronavirus causes peritonitis”