any employees of the company refused.

the Pandemic has changed the labour market in Russia. Some professions lost their relevance, others began to gain popularity. In recent months, intelligence services HeadHunter has noticed an unprecedented demand for workers — from painters to movers. Particularly popular and medical personnel.

Employers are ready to pay work medical complex vocations anaesthetists-resuscitators offer, for example, up to half a million rubles. But the demand for personnel in the field of tourism, entertainment and beauty industry, by contrast, collapsed. How to be the workers in these sectors? And how soon the trend will change again? This — Jan Lubnina, Lily Galiavieva, Julia Reprintseva.

Before the pandemic Muscovite Asya worked event-Manager the company, which is engaged in education abroad. At the beginning of April the girl was sick and the first day back at the office found out that dismissed. To find a new job ACE fails almost two months:

“In the event of no work, of the alternatives trying to find a job that I have ever done before, this is a personal assistant. I just recently sent out a summary, of the 40 companies I sent — 38 did not answer, two said no”.

ACE was lucky — she got a place to live, and contain in addition to yourself, you only need the cat. Muscovite Maria was in a more difficult situation: she’s 47, you need to feed the children, plus loans. Until April 1, she worked as an analyst of security at a large network company associated with the retail trade, made to quit on their own. New job so still and was not found.

“Allow yourself to sit just so I could not: debt, loans, and in addition husband lost his job. That is, we were at zero. Actively use all job resources, interviewing all the friends who send you a resume, but in return you get numerous rejections, because, apparently, age 47, is for employers limit”, said Maria.

among the first to the unemployment office sent staff, employees administrative departments, marketers and representatives of the advertising sector. However, globally, under reduction can get almost any, says the Professor of Financial University under the government of the Russian Federation Alexander Safonov

“Some enterprises even leaving the quarantine measures, the accumulated debts will not be able to pay them, respectively, will be forced to reduce employment. Some businesses because of falling sales also will go to the optimization procedure, companies prefer to dismiss highly paid, to replace them with cheaper staff.”

Head of research centre SuperJob Nataresidential Golovanova is more optimistic. According to her, the labour market has started to revive, and on individual workers there is an increased demand:

“the”Bottom” we went April 27 — the crisis will be overcome in the coming months. In parallel, we look at the salaries, minimal growth in all industries.

the lack of qualified personnel small — all take the opportunity to seize the market high-quality employees.

While the Russians, especially the young, do not intend to wait until the business has fully come to life and choose a new, more relevant profession. According to co-founder of the educational portal GeekBrains Hayk Hayrapetyan, during the period of quarantine the number of students increased by 56%, in some areas the numbers are even higher:

“there is a Growing field of “product Management and project management” almost two times, and also separately, we are seeing demand for courses in web development and testing. This profession, which is aimed primarily at beginners, and they allow you to earn by freelancing after a few months of training.”

HR-experts meanwhile, predict that more than 700 thousand Russian graduates can not find a desired job at least until the end of the year.

Officially unemployed in Russia is now recognized as 2.2 million people. Market experts cite other figures, according to their estimates, the work is not the 10 million citizens. And the experts of the Center for macroeconomic analysis and short-term forecasting recently estimated that, in the light of the second wave of the pandemic, the unemployment rate threatens to jump to 10% of the entire workforce.