the Storage of oil in the world are crowded because of the catastrophic fall of demand. “Black gold”started to just pour. In the Internet appeared the shocking footage out of Venezuela: oil waterfall flowing over the edge of the reservoir, irrigating the surrounding area. But the real ecological bomb could explode in the oceans and seas – the huge tanker began to pour NEF directly into the water.

Now the tanker is not carrying oil from suppliers to consumers, they turned into a floating storage of raw materials, which has nowhere to go.Experts agree that sea and ocean waters crisscrossing a record number of tankers with record high volume of oil. This situation is potentially fraught with serious environmental disaster – many times increase the risks of accidents and leakage of vessels. In addition experts fear that some of the owners can not stand the nerves: they will drain the old oil, to quickly fill new for new money. Or rather, have already begun.

In late April, a huge oily stain with a length of 34 km and a width of about 1.5 km was discovered in the Baltic sea near the coast of Poland. Experts believe: it is caused due to an oil spill from one of the tankers, the route which runs through areas of contamination. Very similar spots are increasingly began to appear off the coast of the other producing countries of the world.

If spilled in the ocean the oil will reach land and will cover many kilometers of coast, it would be a tragedy. According to the expert of the public Council under the Ministry of natural resources of the Russian Federation Igor Shkradyuk first negative effect will be felt plants and shellfish. Through them affected the fish and other marine life, a part of the product range person. In short, it will not find anyone.

as for the financial cost of eliminating such incidents, as explained by the expert, every day since the oil spill every drop makes raw materials more and more “elusive” in the surrounding water space. As a result, the cost of elimination environmental tragedy is growing almost minute by minute. Sometimes, for example when oil is thrown in a tropical sea, its collection costs a much larger sum than the cost of the shed itself raw materials.

After the explosion at the mining platform Deepwater Horizon in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010, the spot from the batter oil gusher reached a circumference nearly a thousand kilometers. In addition, there are numerous underwater oil plumes: up to 16 km long, 5 km wide and 90 metres thick. The oil spill threatened to result in the elimination of more than 400 species of animals. It lasted almost six months, during which the sea flowed about 5 million barrels of oil.

Then from the disaster, in addition to oil, has hurt the fishing and tourism industry of the United States. The accident left without the work of more than 150 thousand fishermen, and the economic loss of tourism on the Mexican coast over the next three years, according to industry estimates, the American Association amounted to $23 billion.

Experts warn that the consequences of the ecological disaster that threatens the world in the current situation, with overcrowded tankers, can be at least comparable to the damage from the disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, and possibly exceed it. According to the specialist in the field of energy, Professor of PFUR Vladimir Tetelmin, now roam the ocean, or rather drifting near the world’s major transshipment ports, at least 4 thousand large tankers, filled to the eyeballs in their tanks is about 400 million tons of oil. To understand the scale: that more than half of the annual production of Russia. The longer they are at sea, the higher the risk of an emergency situation at several large vehicles, each of which can carry up to 100 thousand tons of “black gold”.

in addition, warn the interlocutors “MK”, unscrupulous tanker owners can simply merge into the water of oil traders who are unable to sell their goods and behind on her rent, and then to fill the empty tanks of the raw materials of new suppliers. At the confluence of both of the circumstances of the sea, as in 2010, will be filled with millions of barrels of little use for consumption, but seriously polluting the environment of oil.

The same sad experience of the accident in the Gulf of Mexico testifies to the suppliers or otherwise have lost their raw materials and thereby causing damage to natural resources of the planet, if they are caught, you have to fork out. In 2016, the Federal court in New Orleans approved the final amount to be paid by BP for the Deepwater Horizon accident — $20.8 billion in Total costs to the oil company on liquidation of consequences of state of emergency are estimated at $55,5 billion Potential tomorrow’s responsible for the accident will have to pay comparable amounts, but that’s to do it it will be much harder: oil now costs several times less, than at the time of the accident in the Gulf of Mexico, and the profits of the oil tycoons have fallen sharply around the world.