
the writer’s Wife and coach Matthew Burnside was preparing the pasta. Remove the spoon from the pot, she screamed in surprise.

Frightened Burnside ran to the kitchen and was relieved to find out that nothing terrible happened. Just the noodles stuck to the spoon and now the spoon of “smile”.

my wife witnessed a miracle today & yelled across the house with an urgency that had me sprinting. I thought something terrible had happened but when i came into the kitchen she said: Look…

Subscribers Burnside praised the tweet and began to share similar cases. It turns out that such a funny visual illusions happen now and then. In science, for them there is a special term called “pareidolia”. In social networks created a lot of groups in which users share pictures of things with “persons”.

We had a demonic lemon on our tree.

they’re friends

Omg this reminds me of the time my spaghetti got stuck on the side of my bowl and made a happy face!!

I got a happy latte one time 🙂

Anna Lysenko

Even more interesting about people