The Ministry intends to simplify the procedure for the disabled receive payments

to Simplify the rules for calculating payments for people with disabilities and prisoners of concentration camps is the intention of the Ministry of labor. Patients do not have to write any statements. All calculations will be carried out automatically. The draft order with amendments ready in the Department.

Innovations will relate to the mechanism of calculation of the monthly payments to beneficiaries. The Ministry says that now to get money veteran or disabled person is forced to go on instances and to write statements. Payments to the Pension Fund starts to accrue only after receiving all the necessary documents from the citizen. But, as noted in the Department, is not always walking through the office and collect the documents required. For example, when a person from the category “disabled child” at age 18 is simply disabled, all data on it is already in the Federal register. To force these patients to collect paper and to write statements meaningless and burdensome, decided in the Department. Also, a simplified scheme will affect people living in zones of radioactive contamination, war veterans and citizens from high-risk units.