More than half of Russian citizens (63 percent) show pessimistic expectations about their well-being this year. This is evidenced by data survey, conducted by the experts of the Ranepa, the newspaper “news”.

for example, 36 percent of respondents believe that their financial situation will decrease, and 27 percent expect a significant deterioration. Any changes in income do not expect 25 per cent of citizens, and only 6 percent of Russians said that their financial situation will improve.

the results of the survey indicate that a negative evaluation is still dominated by the moods of the citizens. So, the threat of a pandemic of mers for the economy as a significant continue to assess 69 percent of respondents, and only 18 percent say about her moderate effect.

One of the authors of the survey, head of the laboratory of methodology of the Federal research, Ranepa Dmitry Rogozin said that he sees significant changes in the attitudes of the citizens there from the beginning of the pandemic.

the Expert pointed out that the insecurity continues to influence the complex of such negative economic effects like reduction of employment, rising unemployment and falling incomes.

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