The main myth about Moscow constructivism was dispelled in an interview with Moslenta by the creator of the Telegram channel “Bulletin of Constructivism” Yulia Seregina.

“The widespread opinion that all constructivism is built from cheap and low—quality materials is rather a misconception,” the specialist said.

According to Seregina, this is one of the reasons why it still seems to the average Muscovite that constructivism is disfiguring the city, and the value of this architectural layer still needs to be proved. Residents of the capital do not recognize constructivism, because monuments and public buildings made in this style remind of the worst aspects of life under the Soviet system, the interlocutor of Moslenta noted.

Earlier, the network argued about the beauty of the capital’s famous architectural monument. We are talking about the Rusakov Recreation Center on Stromynka.