At electron-positron SuperKEKB Collider in Japan, achieved a record luminosity. The experiments were attended by Russian scientists from the Institute of nuclear physics. G. I. Budker SB RAS and Novosibirsk state University. The results published on the official website of the organization.

The luminosity characterizing the efficiency of collision of the beams, is the number of interactions occurring per unit time. The previous record luminosity is 2.14 x 1034 per square centimeter per second was achieved for a proton-proton Collider LHC (Large Hadron Collider) at the European organization for nuclear research CERN in 2018.

Now, thanks to the implementation of the SuperKEKB Collider of a number of advanced technologies in the field of particle accelerators reached a value of 2.40 x 1034 per square centimeter per second.

The installation of SuperKEKB high energy physics Laboratory (KEK) in Tsukuba, implemented by the international Belle II experiment, which is a continuation of Belle, where for the first time, in parallel with the BaBar experiment at the SLAC laboratory (USA) has found a violation of the law of conservation of combined parity in the decays of B-mesons.

In the Belle II project involves around 1,000 physicists and engineers from 119 universities and laboratories from 26 countries; from Russia — scientists from BINP, Novosibirsk state University, Physical Institute. P. N. Lebedev RAS, NRNU MEPhI, national research UNIVERSITY "Higher school of Economics," MIPT and the Institute of high energy physics. A. A. Logunov NRC "Kurchatov Institute".

"In the Belle II experiment is a precision test of the modern theory of elementary particles — the Standard model (SM) and search for New physics phenomena beyond the SM, is given in the press release BINP words of the participant of the experiment, Belle II, chief researcher of the Institute, head of the laboratory of the Interdisciplinary centre for particle physics and astrophysics NSU (Mcfate NSU), doctor of physical and mathematical Sciences Seeds Eidelman. — Increase of the luminosity of the Collider, that is, the effectiveness of the collision of beams of particles will increase the number of registered events such as births and decays of B, D mesons and Tau leptons — as permitted by the SM and processes that are suppressed or forbidden by the theory".

It is planned that in the next few years Japanese the LHC will reach design luminosity, which is 40 times greater than the old size, and is 8 x 1035 per square centimeter per second.

"the Increase in luminosity occurs gradually, now experts are setting up different systems of SuperKEKB. At the LHC there are so many options and systems, so to say, "handles" that need to twist to adjust the optimum mode of collision of the beams and the efficiency of these collisions" — addIl Adelman.

Russian scientists made a great contribution to the establishment of the accelerator complex and detector SuperKEKB Collider. In 2012, the BINP has manufactured and delivered to KEK 702 of the vacuum chamber with a total length of about 1900 metro for a new positron ring Collider.

"Cameras have a complex profile, ports for connection of vacuum pumps and a special unit for the measurement of the position of the beam. A feature of these cameras is that all their items are made from high-strength aluminum alloys, – said the chief researcher of BINP SB RAS, leading researcher of Mcgechie NSU, doctor of physico-mathematical Sciences Boris Schwartz. – Manufacturer of cameras required special calculations and design of KB in INP, as well as the development of new technologies in the pilot production of INP. An important role was played by our great experience in the development and production of accelerators for the work in the Institute and foreign laboratories. In addition, in 2012, at BINP was made 220 correction magnets for the SuperKEKB, new electronics for the electromagnetic calorimeter of the Belle II detector, the necessary programs were installed and set up new electronics".

According to him, in BINP had also been established to monitor and measure the luminance in real time. And a record luminosity was recorded by the device, developed by Russian physicists.