the head of the Republic of Tuva Sholban Kara-ool was in the hospital with coronavirus.

Earlier on the official pages of the official in social networks there was a video message. His regional Manager was recorded from a hospital ward. In the video, Sholban Kara-ool said that it is impossible to underestimate the seriousness of the disease, but does not directly name his diagnosis.

As explained later, the Chairman of the Supreme Hural RT Kan-ool of Davao, the head of the Republic was exposed to during the inspection of works on the deployment of infectious hospital. “Like all doctors, was, as they say, “at the forefront”. Insidious disease, she spares no one,” said the Deputy.

As reported by TASS in the press service of the regional government, Kara-ool hospitalized in the Republican hospital with a confirmed diagnosis of “coronavirus infection”. Now the official is under the supervision of doctors, his health is normal.

Meanwhile, the acting head of Tuva appointed first Deputy Prime Minister of Tuva Alexander Brokert.

All good health! All will be well!

Publish from Kara-ool Sholban Valerievich (@sholban_karaool) 24 May 2020 at 7:50 PM PDT