coronavirus Pandemic will accelerate the process of change in labour legislation, the Minister said.

– Obviously, you need to make changes related to the legalization of the remote mode of operation, the “udalenka,” – said Reshetnikov.

He added that during a pandemic, “many had a taste of remote work, and not all are now ready to spend the time to get to work and back.”

As reported in “United Russia” deputies have prepared amendments to the Labour code, which protects the right of workers to “distance”.

As one of the authors of the amendments, the first Deputy Chairman of the faction Andrei Isayev, is expected to regulate work and rest “on distance”. “Unless otherwise provided in the employment contract, the employee will be able to set your own schedule – he explained. – The company and employee will determine the schedule of interactions – when the employer can call or write to the messengers”.

If the boss will do it not in form or outside worker will be able to message not to respond, he said. “In the case of acute need – for example, an emergency situation employee may be required to work overtime, but only with his consent – and then it is to be paid later,” – said the MP.

the amendment of the Labour code planned for June, and now the expert assessment of the document give the Federation of independent trade unions of Russia and the Russian Union of Industrialists and entrepreneurs.