The head of the Urus-Martan district of the Chechen Republic Walid Abdurashidova identified a new type of coronavirus, said the head of the region Ramzan Kadyrov on his page in the social network "Vkontakte".

Abdurashidov contracted with the elimination of flash coronavirus infection in the village of Goyty, Kadyrov wrote. Currently the head of the district is treated at the Republican clinical hospital named Ependiev.

According to the latest data, in Russia recorded a 99 399 cases of infection with coronavirus, of which 972 were fatal. For all the time of a pandemic in Russia from coronavirus infection was cured 10 286 people.

December 31, 2019, the Chinese government announced the outbreak of pneumonia in Wuhan. The disease is a new type of coronavirus, which has the official name COVID-19. March 11, the world health organization (who) declared the outbreak of the novel coronavirus pandemic.