Mikhailov Yulia Mikhailovna, doctor-gynecologist the Open clinic at Prospekt Mira: “the biggest success in the practice of the doctor is to find cancer at an early stage and save the patient’s life. Once I was approached by a young female patient, 25 years old, with complaints of abdominal pain and delayed menstruation. The pregnancy test showed a positive result. And according to the ultrasound she was diagnosed with an ectopic pregnancy.

In such situations, the patients assigned emergency laparoscopy about ectopic pregnancy. And so we started her surgery, and during operation always takes place the revision of abdominal cavity organs and pelvic organs. In the ovary we found a strange education, is not particularly noticeable to the eye. And my instincts told me that it should be alerted. So we decided to take a biopsy that ectopic pregnancy is not implied. And we immediately got Oncology. Histology we did while the patient was in the hospital, and confirmed the diagnosis: ovarian cancer, first stage.

Today is ovarian cancer, which is among the seven most common types of female cancer, called one of the most difficult to diagnose. It is annually diagnosed about 300 thousand women. Unfortunately, many of them die: ovarian cancer has the lowest survival rate of all malignant tumors of the reproductive system. Every year it kills about 150 thousand women. This is the seventh cause of death for women worldwide. It is known that the earlier the disease is detected the better the chances for its successful treatment. But, unfortunately, most women with ovarian cancer today are diagnosed at advanced stages. The later it is detected, the lower 5-year survival rate: I stage it is 92%, in II–III stages — 72%, IV — only 27%. Therefore, early diagnosis of the disease is of great importance.

In our case it was the intraoperative finding. We immediately consulted with oncologists, and they insisted on re-radical operation. As it was the first stage of cancer, the surgeons removed one of the ovaries and appendages, and also had a resection of the omentum. Left only the uterus.

We, the gynecologists, of course, I was a young girl, and after the extensive surgery she can’t have children. However, this method turned out to be a perfect cure for ovarian cancer, which today is quite rare. Because this type of malignant tumors is growing rapidly progresses, and it’s pretty low survival rate.

Yes, and it is diagnosed, unfortunately, very bad. The symptoms (feeling of overeating, bloating, urge to immediate urination, pain in the pelvic region, bloating, nausea, indigestion, uhudsheniee appetite, increased frequency of urination, quick weight change as in the direction decrease and increase, pain in the lumbar region, lower abdomen, pain during intercourse, etc.) occur typically at the late stages. Then there is the weakness, falling hemoglobin. Most of the women for a long time did not bother. Sometimes the woman is in surgery for cysts of the ovary and discover a malignant process. Therefore, gynecologists make a decision to observe functional cysts no longer than two months — and then to operate. In the process of operation, histology, and is one of the few reliable ways to diagnose ovarian cancer.

in General, every gynaecologist should always be on communication with oncologists. I try to consult colleagues in any suspicious situation, it is never enough to show unconstrained, it may cost the patient’s life.

Now we keep in touch with this patient, and after the course of treatment she is in sustained remission for five years. After a few years, oncologists have allowed her to give birth. She was married to conceive a child was through donor eggs and husband’s sperm; she then implanted the embryo, and she gave birth to a baby. Due to the ectopic pregnancy and the accidental discovery today she lives and became a mother. But, I remember when we were arguing with oncologists, thought, is a more gentle treatment, but the oncologists insisted on a radical and he was right. Through this work, she lives a full life.

girls tend to be 25 years old to the gynecologist do not apply if they do not concerned. But unfortunately, today, ovarian cancer is not so rare tumor, and the diagnosis keeps getting younger and younger. Previously, we found it mostly in women older than 50 years, now more and more much more youthful.

So at least once a year, preferably twice a year, you need to seek the advice of a gynecologist to perform an ultrasound examination of organs of small pelvis, to hand over smears on Cytology. Unfortunately, few people does. And the pandemic has affected part of our preventive medicine. Many put off visits to the doctor, no time. But we must not forget about yourself, don’t wait too late! We continue to live and work, and waiting for patients.”